8 - Mental Day

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And finally, it's the weekend. (Guess what I'm doing? I'm praying for the wicked. And yes, I know it doesn't exist yet.)

Every weekend, Saturday or Sunday, we'll have this day where we all pamper ourselves and each other, make sure everyone's okay, and eat some awesome food. As of today, we are in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the main setting of one of my favorite books, The Outsiders.

I came to Tulsa about three years ago for the week. I was in a dire need of a getaway for a while so I could clear my head. Truly, this place is beautiful, and I know a few amazing restaurants. For supper, we're going to The Vault, a vegetarian friendly restaurant with gorgeous architecture and even more aesthetic menu items. Not only that, but it's pretty cheap considering all of the other things.

Now, I am out buying all of the stuff for today. Snacks, skincare, and literally anything else the boys may want. Frank wanted a fake mustache for some reason, but ya know, Mental Day, so yes. I gather all of the things that I need and head to the check out.

*Time skip brought to you by Frank trying to throw us off about a new album*

"Okay, so I got all of the stuff. Who's ready?"

Groans come from the boys. They don't like how the masks are gooey on their faces. I told them that there were masks that they could peel off, but they wouldn't have it. So I got them the gooey ones and the ones that peel. I'm not that mean.

*Time skip bc I dunno how to describe this process, but many will already know what I'm trying to say without me saying it*

What if I put those super long nails on Mikey?

I mean, he's kind of asleep right now, and I could totally run to the Dollar General across the street and see if they have them. Of course, I'm not going to be shoving the nails up his fingers, just gluing them on.

Yup, let's do this. I hop up and grab my wallet, walking out the door.

I look both ways before crossing the street and then start a light jog. And I almost got hit by a car. Typical day in the life of Y/n.

Off to Dollar General we goooooo!!!!

I walk through the slidey doors and immediately began to look for the cosmetics aisle.

Nails. .nails. .nails. .NAILS!! I GOT EM!!! Now I need polish and glue. Hmm. .black or dark black? Or I could do white and black. .White and black it is. I could do yin and yang. I pick up some glue on the way.

I pick out the longest ones I can find and head to the checkout. I put the stuff on the conveyor belt and a very independent-looking black woman was scanning the items. Her afro looks very fluffy.

"Alright, your total is going to be $10.31! Would you like to donate to St. Jude's?"


"Okay, how much?"

"Let's do $10!"

"Alright, will you be paying with cash or card?"

"Card, please."

"Of course! If you'll just swipe. .it might take a few seconds."

I swipe the card and smile as it accepts it.

"Alrighty, thank for shopping!"

"Thank you!"

I head back across the street at a light jog and walk up the bus steps. I open the door and it hits Ray in the face.

"Oh crap, sorry Ray. You good?"

"Yeah, I'm good." And he just continues walking like it didn't faze him.

Luckily, Mikey is still asleep so I get all of the stuff out and start on his right hand. Gerard sees this and walks over and does his left hand. Trying not to giggle like idiots, we put the nails on Mikey's fingers and then paint them and switch polishes.

Now we wait for it to dry. I got nail polish that's supposed to dry faster, but that probably won't happen. After two minutes, I boop each of his nails and they're all dry.

Mission accomplished. Now, cuddles.


"Yes, sugar?"

"I want cuddles.."

He smiles and sits down on the couch, pulling me down with him. He lays down and flips me over so that I'm facing him. Our legs tangle together and I snuggle into his chest. His chin rests on my head as he pushes my hair out of my face; he kisses the top of my head.

I smile and close my eyes for a bit.

*Time skip to around dinner time*

I wake up to a bloodcurdling scream. My head snaps up to the sound.


It's just Mikey.

False alarm. It's all good, boys.


Gerard starts to giggle a bit as I'm holding it in.

"Pfft, whatever, I'll slay anyway."





"YOU'RE GONNA GIRLBOSSSSSS, but can we go to The Vault now?"

Mutters of agreement come from everyone.

*Time skip bc I'm lazy as crap*

The food was delicious, the architecture was beautiful, and the staff was amazing.

We went back to the bus and watched a few movies, ate some popcorn and dessert, and did whatever else. Even Twister, which every single exchange of words sounded dirtier than the last. Here's the most notable:

"Just arch your back more, then I'll be able to fit."

And no, it wasn't Gerard. It was Frank.

After a while of Twister, Gee and I decided to hit the hay. I'm about to get into my bunk as he grabs my hand. His grip is tender and sweet and makes me want to melt at the touch.

"Will you stay with me?"

I lay beside him and snuggle into his chest. Even with his comfort, I still struggle to sleep. Something just feels off. .I shut my eyes and try to think of good things, things that could put me to sleep.

After everyone has gone to bed, and Gee thought I was asleep, he begins to quietly sing to me, running his hand up and down my back.

"If you stay, I would even wait all night. Or until my heart explodes. How long? 'Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm. You can run away with me anytime you want. ."

He slowly exhales and kisses my forehead. I smile into his chest.

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now