6 - I Told You NOT Do That.

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Another bland morning, another show tonight. I didn't stay with Gerard last night because he left to go somewhere. I fell asleep a bit after he left. I assumed he went on a walk or something.

He's not here.

I quickly get my leather jacket, put my skinny jeans on, throw my hair up, and get my shoes on. I go out the door and run to the nearest bar.

I push the door open, it slamming against the wall from the force. A beautiful female bartender is wiping down the counters, but her head snaps up at the sound of the door.

"Ma'am, have you seen a guy about 5'9, maybe 175 pounds, greasy black hair, and probably dressed like he's homeless?"

"Uh, no. I started my shift about 5 minutes ago, but Charlie had night shift so he might have."

"Please get him. Thank you."

"Of course." She walks through a doorway, yelling for Charlie, and then walks back with an older, kind-faced man.

"Hi, how can I help ya?"

"I need to know if you possibly saw a guy around 5'9, maybe 175 pounds, greasy black hair, and probably dressed like he's homeless. And do you, by any chance, have any record of him?"

"I believe so. We scan IDs, so if he was here, he'll show up. What's his name?"

"Gerard Way."

Charlie quickly types and then makes a pleased face.

"He was here at around 3 this morning, wearing an old hoodie, and his hair was a mess. He payed with cash and the cameras have a face match to him going in the direction of the local cemetery."

"Thank you both so much!!! It means the world to me!!" I turn to go, but then turn back, realizing I have no idea where that is. "Um, where exactly is that?"

The lady grabs a napkin and writes down an address and hands it to me with a smile.

"Here, I hope you find him."

"Thank you!" I run out and look at the address. And because this is fanfiction, it begins to rain. Hard. Great.

Williams Street. . .I look around, pointing my finger. There. I full on sprint down the street, trying to find 394. There it is. Doom and gloom. I reach to open the gate. Locked. Without hesitation, I start climbing the fence.

My feet hit the ground and I start a jog through the winding graves under the darkened sky. Trees looming overhead add to the pit in my stomach that continues to rise. My mind begins to go to the worst conclusions. What if he's dead? What if he's hurt himself again? What if he's lost?

*Trigger warning*

Behind a very large, beautiful grave, a figure is slumped over, something in hand. I quickly walk over to the figure, praying it was Gerard.

It's him, a blade in hand, gliding it over his wrist. I tackle and pin him to the ground, the blade flying to the side. The tears are streaming down my face before I realize it, Gerard's face streaked with dry tears.

*Trigger warning over*

"I told you not to do that. Stop doing this to yourself, please, Gee, please. You can't keep going on like this. Please."

I pull him in for a hug, him tightly wrapping his arms around me. He tries to hold back sobs, fails, and lets it all out.

"Promise me you'll never do it again, Gee. Promise."

He inhales sharply and musters up the strength to respond. "Promise."

"Good, good. Now slow your breathing, love. It's okay, you're gonna be okay." I cup his face with my hands, forcing him to look at me. "You hear me? You're gonna be okay."

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now