7 - The Talk, The Show, And The Talk Show

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We walk out of the bathroom, hand in hand. I give it a little squeeze of support and we go to confront the boys.

"Gerard is ready to talk, but you are all going to sit down, shut up, and listen. Don't talk until he's finished. He will stop at any time he may see fit."

Gerard looks over at me, his eyes wide. He lightly shakes his head. "Y/n, I don't know. ."

"It's okay if you don't want to. Would you rather me tell them?"

"Please. At least start it for me."

I nod and turn to the boys.

*Slight trigger warning*

"Alright, so at the show a few nights ago, what I took from Gee was. .uh. .anxiety medication and he took a ton. .too many for it to be good."

Gerard squeezed my hand. He then started to talk.

"So uh, yeah. .and Y/n came and found me at the cemetery and caught me. .ya know. .cutting. ."

*Very slight trigger warning over*

Mikey shoots up from his previous spot on the couch and throws his arms around Gee. A tear or two streams down Mikey's face. Frank and Ray also come in and join the hug, all three boys apologizing. I stand off on the sidelines, a small smile on my face.

"Alright, we've got a show in a few hours. We best get ready and get pumped!"

"A chorus of 'YEAH!'s comes from the guys. The boys scatter to their bunks, but Gee hangs back.

He wraps his arms around me, picks me up, and spins me around. He puts me down, a firm grip still on my waist, and a wide smiles stretches across his face. A smile creeps up on my face; his smiles are contagious, I swear. His eyes seem to be searching mine for something, then he looks down at my lips and back up to my eyes. He starts to close the small gap between our bodies and swiftly leans down and pecks my lips.

"If you're gonna kiss me, do it right, doll."

I grab his hips and smash my lips against his. His lips are chapped (and faded) and that only adds to the intensity. Our lips move in a way like no other, like puzzle pieces. We pull away; his eyes stay closed for a moment more, then flutter open.

I then hear loud whispering from behind us.

". .Y/n is definitely a top." M

"No, Gee is." F

"20 bucks says Y/n is."

Then it stops.

Gee giggles and says, "Come on, let's go."

"Alright, you little muffin." His hand is on my lower back and he's snuggling into the side of my neck almost.

We walk over to the bunks and he grabs his bag.

"Hey, uh, Y/n, will you, uh, help me with my makeup? I wanna try something different and ya know, you're really good at it. ."

"Aw, of course. Go sit in the bathroom and I'll be right there."

He walks off and I dig through my stuff to get my makeup bag. That thing has all of the necessities. I find it after a minute and walk off to the bathroom.

I get in there and set the bag to the side after getting the wipes out.

*Time skip bc I don't know jack squat about makeup*

Gerard looks like an emo Covergirl. His eyeshadow, which is normally a black or red, is now a red that fades to black. He's got heavy eyeliner on and I couldn't find my white powder, so I had to improvise and use flour. Of course, he protested, but it worked for him.

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now