18 - Danger Days

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Now that Gee and I are officially married, we decided to get back to writing songs. We've decided to call this next album Danger Days: The True Lives of Fabulous Killjoys. We would've already had an album out now, but no one was really invested in it. Personally, I loved it and how it would turn out. Even if no one will like it, I would love to release all of it in a series of singles later on.

Gee recently dyed his hair red and it makes me want to melt. Literally. He's drop dead gorgeous with it.

He decided that him and Frank would moan in a few of the songs, but we all know that they're doing it because of Jamia and me. It's honestly a crazy idea, but I guess you could say I'm interested to see what happens. Overall, the album is pretty awesome.

Danger Days, basically, is about these totally gay people in a futuristic government rebellion. My Killjoy name is _____. (Mine is Legacy Raven; it honestly just sounds cool to me lol) There's two things about this album that makes it much different from the others. For one, it's not as emo-ish, and for two, Gee is writing a comic book series for it.

It's honestly really cool and Gerard comes to me when he gets a writer's block. He knows what he wants to write and he has it all planned out, but he has a brain fart and doesn't know how to make the plot go there. I was originally going to be an author, but then I joined the band. I'm basically a less artsy version of Gee.

I recently got my lip pierced. It's on the opposite side as Frank's was. We did the same with our nose rings a few years ago. He went with a lip ring too, but I didn't really want to at the time. I was honestly too worried about infections.

As of right now, we're all in the studio recording some songs. The song we're recording now is "Party Poison," but that's not the original title of it. I honestly forgot the other title, but Gee changed it because he loves his Killjoy name that much.

"Well, that's all for today. You should get back to writing more songs. If we can get all of the songs written and recorded in a timely manner, we could have this album out in 2010." Mr Recorder Dude says.

There's a little flicker of excitement in all of us. That's literally awesome. Our fans have been whining about a new album for a while. There have been a few theories about when we were going to release something.

We all talk for a while longer and then start to head out. Frank offers to buy everyone some coffee and to Gerard's dismay, we don't go to Starbucks. We go to Dunkin' and Baskin Robbins. (For those who don't know, Baskin Robbins is an ice cream shop. I've seen a few places that combine Dunkin' and Baskin Robbins to make ice cream and coffee and stuff.) We all get in our cars and drive to the nearest one. While Gee drives, he puts his hand on my knee and draws little lines back and forth with his thumb.

My phone starts to ring.


"Uh hey Y/n. .I might've done a little something that's just a wee bit stupid. ."

"What did you do, Frank?" (Insert a dramatic eye roll here)

"I might've ran over a stop sign that hit an old lady and caused her husband to fall and knock over a fruit cart which caused another car wreck. . ."

". . .why do I associate myself with you?"

"Because you love me and I'm wonderful."

"Not right now."

"Well, um anyway, the cops are talking to me and since no one was really hurt, I'll just have to deal with a bunch of money problems."

"Well, um. .I guess I'll try to help the best I can."

"Thank you, Y/n. You're the best. Only problem is, I'm not letting that happen. I'm an adult. It's my problem."

"Too bad. I'm helping. Where are you?"

"A few miles East of the Dunkin'."

"On our way."

I hang up.

"Alright, Gee. Frank has. .uh. .gotten into a pickle. He's a few miles East of the Dunkin'."

He nods and changes the course a little bit. We get to a stoplight and he leans over to kiss my cheek. I smile like an idiot, honestly.

"I love you, sugar."

"I love you more."

"I doubt that."

"I'm always right, Gee. You know this."

"Agree to disagree, sweetheart."

He pulls up at the scene. It looks much worse than he said, but that just could be because there's fruit guts everywhere. The good thing is, all of the people are okay. The old people are perfectly fine, thank goodness, and the cars didn't receive that much damage.

Knowing that everyone is okay, I start to laugh. The whole concept of Frank running over a stop sign is funny, but if someone was hurt it's not all the funny anymore. Gee starts to laugh too.

Hopefully Frank can handle this.

~time skip~

Eventually, we make it back to Gee's and my house with the guys.

That's part 18 lol

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now