11 - What Do We Do Now?

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We woke up the next morning, er, actually around 10PM when the bus parked in the studio's small parking lot. There was a lot of shuffling around and groaning, yawning, and stretching. Everyone slowly started to get up, start moving around, and getting their stuff together. Ray had everything except for his Bob Ross socks, and was tearing the entire place up to find them.

After a good five minutes, we're all out of the bus and back in the studio. Everyone sets their stuff down and we all just hug it out. We're all tired and haven't showered much in almost two months. It's time to go home now.

Everyone kind of spreads out to get all of their stuff to their cars, but Gerard and I stay behind.

"Hey, uh, listen. Sugar, I really love you.."

"I love you more."

And with that, we have a 21st Century Breakdown type of kiss; the kind you get in the movies when the characters realize how intense their emotions for the other are. When we pull apart, his eyes are closed for another second, then flutter open, and he genuinely smiles.

He's so adorable; he drives me crazy. I want to marry this man. I've never felt so much for someone in my life. He's got to be the one, and if he isn't, what is my life even worth?

"Come on, sugar. We need to get everything in the car."

I peck his cheek and grab both bags of mine.

"Nuh-uh, sugar. That isn't gonna fly. Let me carry at least one of your bags for you."

"No, Gee, I'm fine. Thank you though."

He doesn't say another word and takes one of the bags off of my shoulder despite my protest. He has a little smirk on his face and lets me through the door first when we get to it.

He takes the bag and puts it in the backseat of my car; he then grabs the other out of my hand and sets it beside the first.

"You're so sweet. Thank you, doll."

"Anytime, sugar. Sleep well."

"Sweet dreams."

His hands cup my face and kiss me softly; we both smile into the kiss.

*Time skip to home*

I fumble with my keys and open the door to see the familiar space. I go straight up to my bedroom, set my bags down, and go get a quick shower. When I'm done, I go to my mom's room and boop her nose until she wakes up.

"Hi mom"

"Hey (insert nickname here)"

"Bye mom. Love you."

"Love you."

My mom is so sweet.

I get in my bed and start to text Gee.

(Gee in bold, Y/n in italics)

Hey muffin
Hey sugar
Whatcha doing?
Nothing much, just got out of the shower (error: not sent)

I realize that it says the text before is not sent. Welp, this is how I disappear.

Sounds like fun 😉
Gee help the other text won't send (error: not sent)

What the crap. .FBI agent, I'm not ready for that yet.

Gee help
The other ones wouldn't send
I actually had told you what I was doing lol
Oh my bad lol
I was thinking we could all get an apartment together
That's totally rad, let's do it!
Alright, sweet! Let's let the guys know tomorrow. I'll set up plans.

I create a group chat with all of the guys.

Y/n: We're all meeting for breakfast in the morning at the Waffle House. No exceptions.

Oreo: bro what

Beanstalk: 👍

Princess Fro Fro: what time?

Muffin☺️: is 9 good with everyone?

Oreo: sure yeah

Beanstalk: yea


Princess Fro Fro: I'm so sorry for your loss. Also, yes, 9 is fine.

Y/n: Alright, 9 at the Waffle House!

*Time skip to Waffle House*

"Alright, so what Gee and I wanted to discuss was the idea of us all getting an apartment or house together. We could split all of the bills and stuff between us or have one person pay one thing every month."

"That would be awesome, let's go!" F

"I'm down" M

"Sure! That'd be pretty fun!" R

"Alright, so when do we wanna put this into action? It might be a while because we're kinda broke, but does anybody have anything extra to get us started?" G

"I could get a job at Chick Fil A or Arby's or something"

"Nice! I'll do it with you!" G

"We could scam people." F

"No scamming people." R "I could start modeling maybe. I've always wanted to, but I don't think I'm that attractive though."

"Ray, look me in the eyes." He does. "You are literally so beautiful so shut the frickith up."

He smiles. The rest of them nod in agreement.

"You should absolutely try to start modeling."

"I could go around playing my bass in drag" M

". . .why??"

"Comedy act, I guess." M

"Alright, that totally slays. We can all try to start tomorrow on getting this all together."

"Is everyone done eating? I'm buying." G

"Yup, thank you, Gee."

"Yeah thanks man" M

"This was rad, thanks dude" F

"Thank you Gee!" R

"You're all very welcome!" G

Alright, that's the end of the 11th chapter. I'd like to thank you for reading and I hope you're enjoying this!

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now