9 - Confusion and Confessions

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I wake up to Gee not in the spot next to me. Hearing whispers from the kitchen didn't do my curiosity any good.

". .ask her, man. She's clearly into you too." F

"I don't know, what if she doesn't?" G

"Gerard, she does. She wouldn't be spending every second of her time with you if she found you annoying." M

I decide to stop listening because honestly, this isn't any of my business. I roll over and go back to sleep.

Gerard's POV

"They've got good points." R

"If you really want to test it, go out with another girl for a while and see how Y/n reacts." F

"Ok. . let's try it. ."

"Guys, I don't think -" R

"Zip it." F "Alright, Gee, after the show tonight you're going to go to that bar and talk to someone. You know what to do after that."

This conversation goes on for a few more minutes; Frank continues to tell me how to do this.

I know what I'm doing. .I think. I just want this to work.

*Time skip to around the middle of the show*

We just finished performing Cemetery Drive. Y/n and I were absolute sass overloads. The crowd is going wild.

Y/n smiles and walks up to me.

"Doll, what's 1+1?"

Confusion. . Doll?

"Uh 2. .?"

"You're correct, that's why we'd be better as a couple. It's the only right answer." (This was the first thing that came to my head, don't judge lol.)

Oohs and ahhs come from the crowd. Many of them have a smirk on their face.

"You're right. We would be better together."

Her hands cup my face and she plants her soft lips on mine. My arms wrap around her waist and I pull her closer to me. Her hands get tangled in my hair and she pulls on it. I feel myself smiling into the kiss.

The crowd is in an uproar.

"You're mine, Gee. You understand?" She laughs.

I kiss her lips again. Funny, the next song on the setlist was You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison. I crack a wide smile at her.


After about an hour, the show is over and we go to the meet and greet thingy.

*Time skip to it bc I don't want to awkwardly write about them walking and stuff*

A guy that looks to be about 20 walks up first.

"Heyyy!! How are you?"

"I'm pretty good, thank you!"

"Alright, what can I do for ya?"

"Uhm, can you sign this, these, those, this, and these, and those. .?"

With a smile, "Of course I can!"

I begin to sign every CD, vinyl, and apparently merch? I didn't even know we had that. .

I finish signing everything after a minute and manage to catch a glimpse of irritated lines across his arm under bracelets. .

"Walk with me, will you?"

"Ok. ."

I take him down the hall to give us some privacy. I take his arm in my hands.


"My dad. ."

"Alright, well, screw your dad. I mean, not literally. Don't like have sex with him, just flip him off. Your dad does not define you. If he says you're worthless, you're not. You're beautiful just the way you are."

"Thank you. ." He then wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my chest.

I smile and stroke his hair. I let go and get a pen and something to write on. "If you ever need anything, just give me a call. And I'm not letting you leave until you promise you'll try your hardest to stop."

"I promise. Thank you again."

"Of course!"

I lead him back to the main area and he waves and walks over to Gee.

Gerard gives me a look and smiles.

*Another time skip to get back to where this needs to be*


I crinkle up my face when he touches the tip of my nose.

"Y/n, I'm proud of you. .for helping that guy out."

I smile at him and intertwine our fingers. Frank sees it, smiles, and then looks back up at the television.

I lay my head on his chest and almost doze off a few times. He notices and picks me up to take me to bed.

He snuggles into my neck and wraps his arms around my waist, giving me a big old bear hug. I kiss the top of his head.

"Night, Gee."

"Night, sugar."

Very short chapter, I'm so sorry. As I said, I've been very busy and haven't gotten much of a chance to write. Thank you all for reading and a special shout out to xXxanniebeexXx for keeping me motivated!

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now