14 - Mid Morning Waffles

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It was around 10 when I woke up and I was totally ready for today. Yes, it's because of Gerard. I finally get a chance to make amends and maybe even rekindle that friendship we had a little. I've accepted that we'll never be that way again. Maybe it's for the best.

*Time skip to Waffle House*

"Hey Gerard."

"Hi Y/n, how are you? You feeling any better?"

"I totally ready for today." I spoke too soon. Memories of what went on last night flooded my mind like a tidal wave and I found myself breathing heavier. Visions swirled through my head and the world was spinning.

Gerard tapped my shoulder a few times.

"Hey, you kinda spaced out there for a minute, you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, of course. Just remembered what happened last night. . ."

"I'm sorry, do you maybe want to go to my place after and watch some movies or something?"

"Yeah. ."

I shouldn't be this available for him. I want to. .I need to, but I really shouldn't.

We eventually got our waffles, ate them, and even though I said I would pay, Gerard insisted that he should pay. He wouldn't let me pay.

He opened the door for me on the way out and opened the passenger seat door for me too. Sometimes I forget how much of a gentleman he actually is.

We drive to his house and he then opens all doors for me again and we go to sit on the couch, then Gerard gets up to go get snacks. I look around and see that the home really hasn't changed from when we all bought it together. It is a little messier, but still has the same vibe to it as it did before I moved out.

It gets me to thinking about how we still have that group chat, but it just isn't used anymore.

As if on cue, Mikey walks into the room. He looks at me and his jaw drops.


"Hey Mikes."

He scoops me up into the biggest bear hug possible and when he pulls away, he has the biggest smile on your face.

"You came back!"

I smile back at him and nod.

One by one, all of the boys are back and Ray walks in the front door last. Frank walks down the stairs, sees me, and tackles me.

"I thought I'd never see you again! Don't scare me like that!!" He got off of me and helped me up. "Also, you're invited to the wedding." He gave me a little card that had cute little designs on it with 'Frank & Jamia' written in the middle.

I literally squeal right then and there.


I wrap Frank in the best hug I could ever give. I've still yet to meet Jamia, but she is definitely an amazing woman.

We all sit on the couch and watch a few movies.

"Y/n, will you move back in with us? Pweaseeee?" Frank gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Y/n pweaseeee" Mikey looks up at me with the sweetest look on his face.

"Fine. I'll sell my house and the extra furniture and move back in."

"Really?!? Like you're not joking right now?!"

"No, Gerard, I'm not joking!"

"LET'S GOOOO" He fist bumps the air.

Ray looks at me, nods, and then smiles.

"And will you come back to the band?" Mikey asked, the look still plastered on his face.

"If everyone else is okay with it, yes, I will." I smile at him.

"Are you guys okay with Y/n rejoining the band?!?"

Everyone says yes. My life is being pieced back together. We all then talk for hours and it was almost as if we had never been split apart in the first place. Except for me and Gerard. He sat on the opposite side of the couch, but I still felt that because we talked it out, we would maybe become friends again.

Maybe, just maybe, we could be together again. It would never be the same, but it would be something, and that's all I want. I just want to be with him again. Maybe the puzzle piece isn't so lost after all.

Now, if I'm going to be moving in, I really need to work out all of these details.

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now