20 - Now We Wait.

174 7 117

It finally happened.

I'm pregnant.

I stare at the test in shock. I'm going to be a mother. I quickly make myself presentable and open the door.

"Gee? Will you come here?"


I can't suppress my smile even in the slightest. I hear his footsteps near the doorway. I turn around and he's standing in the doorway in a t-shirt and Star Wars pajama pants. The biggest smile is spread across his face when he sees me.

"Gee, guess what?"

"You won the lottery and spent it all on our house payment, bills, and candy?"

"Nope, I wish. Guess again!"

"You got a dog and named it Five Miles so that when you walked it you could say you walked Five Miles?"

"No, silly! Guess!"

"Ummm you found Ray's long lost Bob Ross socks?"

"I found those a few weeks ago. Keep guessing!!!"

"HOLD UPPPPPPP!!! You're pregnant?!?"

I nod with a whole lot more energy than I usually do. He literally squeals. I throw my arms around his neck and we do the kind of hug where you're kind of waddling from side to side.

"Remember when you said it was time for you to take a ride on a guy's iroc and get totally pregnant?" I said, giggling.

"Heh heh yeah"

"I beat you to it, hun."

"Yeah, you did, sugar," he says this, laughing.

"I'm so excited. What will we name them? When should we tell everyone? What about their room? What if they don't like the little baby puffs? I'm prolly gonna breastfeed this little child. It'll be a whole lot healthier for them. When should we schedule a baby shower? What about a gender reveal? I should prolly set up a doctor's appointment. Dude I'm so scared. What if I'm a bad parent?"

I said it all so fast that I honestly forgot what all I said, but I'm sure there were some quality questions in there.

"Sugar, calm down. You won't be a bad parent. You'll be the best mother ever. We can tell everyone maybe tomorrow. I could invite everyone for dinner. We'll do whatever you're up for and what's best for the baby. It's gonna be okay. Don't stress. I gotchu."

I laugh a little. "Yeah, I don't need to panic. Thanks, sweets."

"Anytime. Now, I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm gonna run to the store and get some stuff."


I get in the car and drive to the nearest Dollar General. I didn't have to drive very far because truly, Dollar General is taking over the world. As soon as I get there, I greet the cashier and grab a basket.

I go straight to the ice cream and grab two tubs of (insert favorite ice cream flavor(s)). Then, I start to look for all of the stuff she buys us on the mental days. Okay, what are they called?. . . . .FACE MASKS!!!

Yo. .why are there so many flavor? You can eat these? Wait no. That says scents. Nevermind. This one is infused with charcoal. . What does this stuff even mean?!? I'm just gonna get a few of each. Hopefully I did this right.

Now, I need to get some of her favorite snacks. I get to the snack aisle and start looking for all of her favorites. Alright, I've found (insert like 1-3 snacks you like here).

I'm gonna get some candy too. Thankfully, I don't have to find the aisle because they're combined. I grab a few boxes/bags of candy, ranging from chocolate, to gummies, to hard candies.

I'm almost done. She has been saying some stuff lately about how she's been wanting to try a new crafty thing. It's some kind of journaling that involves a bunch of paper and stickers and stuff, so I'm gonna try to get her started. I really hope I'm buying the right stuff.

I check my phone and it's been about 20 minutes. It's okay, I just have one more thing to look for. It's optional, but I think she'd really like it. If I'm lucky, which, considering what I've got going for me, I'm very lucky, they'll have a book of baby names.

I head over to the aisle that has books and have to search top to bottom to try and find one. I set down the basket and look behind every single book and magazine on that aisle. There's one in the back and it's a hardcover. It's light blue with little clouds behind the title.

I set it in the basket and head to the checkout. I set the basket down on the belt. My wallet is in my hands as I fumble through it to find my debit card. The woman behind the register smiles when whe sees the book.

"So are you and your partner expecting?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Congratulations to the both of you! I hope it goes smoothly for y'all!"

"Thank you!'

"Alright, your total is $58.31. You swipe on the side."

I pay and smile at her.

"Thank you, ma'am!"

"You're welcome! Have a good day!"

"Trust me, today is almost as awesome as my wedding day."

*Time skiparoo*

"Hey, sugar. I'm home!"

"Hey! Where'd you even go?"

"To the store. Speaking of which, here you go."

I set the bags on the table and give her a hug from behind while she looks through it. I made sure to the book at the bottom of a bag so she wouldn't find it right off the bat. A huge smile grows on her face. She turns around hugs me back.

"Thank you so much, Gee. You're literally the best. I love you."

"I love you, sugar."

She kisses me and grabs the ice cream.

"Wanna watch a movie, Gee?"

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now