10 - Midnight Love

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After weeks, tour is finally over. Don't get me wrong, I love going on tour, but sometimes you do just need a break for a while. We're all on the bus on our way back to the studio, which isn't far away considering our last show is always closer to home so that we don't have such a long drive.


What. .? Ray, honey, are you okay. .? I walk right back into the living room to see Ray pacing around and moving everything from its original place.

"Man, what are you doing?" Frank says, sighing.

"Looking for Bob Ross. I love that man. I wanna kiss that man."

"That man's been dead for years."

Mikey is giggling at all of this.

"Tomb Raider." Ray mumbles.

This makes Gerard spit his coffee across the room.

"Well that was uncalled for." Frank shakes his head in disapproval. "I'm going to call Jamia."

Frank is seriously in love with that girl. He calls her every single night we've been on tour and texts her before and after every show. If that doesn't say anything, the way he talks to her and about her says more than anything. I've never met her, but I love her already. If she makes Frank happy, she makes me happy.

On another topic, Ray has already come up with an entire part for a song for our next album. There is no more Ray Toro, only Slay Toro. He played the entire thing and then asked for opinions on it. He had also already came up with an idea for the main theme of the song and the title 'Mama'. Of course, I absolutely love it. It really gives off somewhat eerie and sometimes even slightly evil vibes. The concept of the song is absolutely amazing.

Mikey has been on Discord a lot lately, and it's really starting to worry me. Sometimes his love for technology leads to him never leaving his bunk. He also talks about Minecraft and Roblox a lot. (Ik, most of this didn't really exist yet, just go with it.) I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Gacha Kid at one point.

With Gerard, things have significantly progressed. He tells me everything that's going on with his life and is always is there for me. He's told things about himself to me that the only person that knows other than us is Mikey. He hugs me from behind and we do each other's makeup all the time. Not always for concerts, just to goof off and experiment. If I need something, he always stops what he's doing immediately, even if I tell him it's not a big deal and I can wait until he's done.

Gerard's POV
God, I love her so much. I always have. I've just always been such a coward and never treated her better until recently. I really don't deserve her. She's truly the best person ever, with Mikey, of course, tying with her. I want to spend my life with her, even if it means setting the world ablaze. It's cringy, but it's true. I'd do it all for her. If immortality was an option, I'd choose it, only if she could be one too.

She rolls over to face me; I thought she was asleep. She sees that I'm awake too and puts her lips on mine. My hands glide to her face while hers find their way to my waist, right under the bottom of my shirt.

3rd Person POV
Their legs tangle together as their bodies are pulled closer and closer together by the longing they both have to be in the presence of the other. His hands slide down her neck, past her arms, finding the small of her back and tracing tiny circles with his thumbs.

She breaks of the kiss after a minute, breathing only slightly faster, and says, barely louder than a whisper with an all-knowing smirk on her face, "do you have a thing for vampires?"

He answers with a kiss, short and sweet.

She smiles, pecks his cheek, and lowers her lips to his neck, littering marks over his skin and catching a sound or two along the way. Quiet, but still obvious. She goes further down to his collarbone and leaves a kiss before slowing down, knowing that there will be boundaries.

Her eyes land on his, as if asking him how much farther he wants to go. She drives him crazy, and he wouldn't deny it, but they both truly aren't ready yet.

"Sugar, don't take it too far."

"Just let me know when to stop, love."

Her hands go farther up his shirt, lightly pinching his side once along the way. Tugging on her hair and closing his eyes, he enjoys her presence. She looks back up at him and kisses him again, so excruciatingly slow and passionate. Slowly, her hands detach from his body and cup his face with such a soft grip that even a child could escape, but wouldn't want to.

Soon, it slows down more and more until at a complete stop. Now, they only embrace and close their eyes for a moment.

When, suddenly, a voice that could only be Frank's, loudly, but jokingly chimes in.

"Dude, at least wait until we get back. There are, like, other people here."

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ