22 - Remember When? (Epilogue)

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Currently, it's 2022. Bandit is 13, turning 14 next year. Gee, well, is happier than ever. I'll take a moment to explain everything about him.

A few years ago, back in 2009 to around 2011, Gee was starving himself. He eventually got better and was healthy. We were one of the greatest rock bands of the 2000s. Then, we broke up on March 22, 2013. Gerard and I had our own duo project thing going on and we were moderately successful. Everyone went on to their own careers in music.

Truthfully, we were all upset, but Frank had it the worst. We still talked in the group chat from time to time, but Frank wouldn't answer or he would be somewhat rude. Personally, I don't blame him, considering the fact that nobody told him that we were going to quit the band. I thought someone told him, or else I would have.

Anyway, we all continued to do our own thing. Gee eventually started writing another comic book series and over this course of time, "The Umbrella Academy" got it's own TV show. Bandit struggled with mental health issues, we've tried a lot of things to help her. She's gotten a lot better. In 2012, I gave birth to two little demon boys. Finn and Dennis are both 10 now and unfortunately, identical. They're both miniature versions of Fred and George Weasley. Finn being Fred and Dennis as George.

We released Conventional Weapons a few years ago and a compilation album in 2014. Back in 2019, we officially got back together as a band. We were going to start touring, but then the pandemic happened.

All of our kids are great friends with all of Ray's, Frank's, and Mikey's kids. They all have a group chat (for the ones that are old enough for phone numbers) and we all regularly schedule hangouts and sleepovers.

Most recently, Gerard has been wearing dresses on tour, so I wear suits. The night that he wore a cheerleader outfit, I wore football pads, pants, and a jersey. I couldn't wear cleats due to the floor of the stage. Basically, that's what happened everytime he wore something crazy.

Anyway, that's the end. We've come to current parts of our life. We're living our dreams, but what do we do once we can't do this anymore? How will we carry on?

I've learned a lot throughout these years. One of those things being that you have to look past the cover to find the story. Another thing is that some of the people you hate most could be the people you love more than anything.

This is the end. My life was practically a rebel love song. Please tell me you got the Black Veil Brides reference.

My puzzle is complete, and so is his.

"So take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight." - Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides

So, that was the last part to this story. I hope all of you enjoyed this. I'm going to start writing a Harry Potter fanfic next. Please let me know which boy you would like to see!

Anyway, I would like to thank all of you for your support throughout this entire thing, whether you commented, voted, added it to your lists, or just read it. Thank you. This has truly been a wonderful experience.

After I do something about Harry Potter, I'll probably do something band-related. Maybe an MCR, BVB, or PTV. Something like that. I'm going to edit the prologue and first few parts tomorrow because I honestly hate the way it's written and I totally could've executed it better.

I love you all so much. You mean the world to me. If any of you are ever struggling with anything, you could always DM me, though I'm not always on.

Again, all of you beautiful people have made this a dream-like experience. Thank you so much! 💞💞💞

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