19 - Stupid, Yet Fond, Memories

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"Gee, remember that time you cut your balls when you were shaving?" I try to suppress my giggles as I say this. I fail, obviously.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" He starts to laugh too.

"You gotta look at Frank's legs."

He follows me to the bathroom and sees a panicking Frank pacing with a bunch of bandaids all over him.

"Whatcha doinnnn Frankkk?" G

"Uh," he gestures to his legs, "yeah."

"That's a slay." Mikey chimes in.

"Slay?" F

"It means good. Awesome. Slay."

"I'm definitely not slaying then." F

"Why are you shaving your legs anyway?" G

"I lost a bet."

"That's a very vague answer." G

"I have to do a gender swap for a week."

"Oh, I can help then. Lemme go get my makeup bag."

I do a little shuffle slidy run down the hall to my our bathroom and grab the bag.

*Shuffle slidy run*

"Ok, sit on the counter. I'm gonna teach you how to do this. This is a must-know skill."

He sits on the counter and listens to what I have to say. I pull out a ton of products and he makes a face.

"What's the face for?"

"Why is there so much?!? How do you survive?!?"

"I don't wear that much."

"Then why do you have so much of it?"

"Because I use all of it most of the time. I'm not wearing much, but it takes a lot of stuff to look this hot on a daily basis, hun."

"Dang shawty bae" He says this in a very gay sounding voice.

"How was that?! Did I do a female voice right?"

"Absolutely not."

His face goes from lit up to a little dismayed.

"Alright, now pay attention."

I show him every product, how it works, and what to do with it. I make him look in the mirror after I put it on him. I tell him to turn and watch how I blend everything.

Now, we are at the point where he'll need eyeliner.

"Alright, so eyeliner is very specific. Don't straighten out your skin to make a flat surface. Leave it wrinkly because if you straighten it, the line will be droopy and curvy. It needs to be straight. For the pencil, you use it on the inside of your eyelid. Then, if you want a really emo look, add black eyeshadow under and/or above your eye." As I explained all of this, I put it all on him.


(Something like that for the eyes 🪱)

"Frank, you make a beautiful woman. I wanna do your hair now."

His hair is very greasy at the moment, so I put a ton of dry shampoo in it and flipped his part over to the other side. I brush through it a few times and pull a trick or two to make his hair have more volume.


(The last one tho 🥵)

"Frank, you're literally the woman I want to be. Guess what? We've got an interview to go to Wednesday, so it should be fun."

I feel a pair of eyes burning into my back. I turn around with a smile and see Gee leaning against the doorframe. His arms are crossed and he's got a small smile on his face.

I excuse myself and walk with him to our bedroom. He lays down and pulls me with him.

"Hey sugar."

"Hey Gee."

"I just wanted cuddles. I also wanted to talk to you about something."

"And what may that be?"

"Having kiddos. I know you've said you wanted some, but are you ready?"

"Honestly, yeah."

"If you're ready, I'm ready. Do you want to start trying?"

"Very soon, yeah."

"What do you think it will be like?"

"I think it'll be scary, new, and beautiful. Just imagine what it's gonna be like to have a small child to call your own. Imagine being able to look at that beautiful face and be able to say that you helped create them."

"Yeah, and we will do everything to make them happy. I promise to protect all of you."

"You're perfect, Gee."

He doesn't know how to respond, so he just smiles and kisses my cheek.

We lay together for a while and the boys still watch movies in the living room. Specifically The Waterboy starring Adam Sandler.

*Time skip, maybe a month or two*

It finally happened.

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now