208: Three For The Price of One

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a/n: Spot links to TVDS1/2 MJ, and Ryos ;) lmk what ya think is going on (I promise it all connects to S3)
Remember to comment and vote as it motivates me x
- Bea <3

Freya held her hands over an open flame, sitting on the porch of The Bayou shack, eyes closed but fluttering. Muttering under her breath. Trying not to be distracted by the noise in the air. Practising magic in a city centre taught you to focus, but there was a difference between the humming of engines and pedestrians to the screams and gunshots of hunters.

Human hunters.

One vampire.

Elijah out, among the shadowy trees, the sun on the afternoon marking how long they had until the full moon that night. More bodies further into the forest, anger building like the pressure under a volcano, pushing Freya into action.

"Komdu Til Mín."

The fire tickled her palm.

"Komda I Oryggio."

A pain formed in her lower stomach, twisting up with every word.

"Komdu Til Mín," She let herself wince, focusing on the blur of her lashes, "Komda I Oryggio."

Like bones were being pressed just out of place.

"Heyrou Petta Modur."

Ankles rolled like she'd been shoved forward, eyes snapping open, everything a moment out of sync as she tried to look around for a culprit. For stability. Burns on her flesh from the drop, shaking like it could numb the pain.

Freya breathed in slowly.

A glance to see the fire she'd started out of old twigs was still going.

"Okay," She stretched her neck back, "That shouldn't have drained me that much..."

While Elijah was focused on his own hunt, he would've still been listening out for her.

"Let's try that again," She corrected her posture, both hands back above the flame, "Komdu Til Mín."

Her eyes gently shut.

"Komda I Oryggio."

The beacon of safety.

"Komdu Til Mín."

A spell meant to bring any wolf who could hear it towards them. A sound only an animal could listen to, creating a sense of peace in the chaos so that they'd know it was from a friend, not a foe.

"Komda I Oryggio," She let herself relax, "Komdu Til Mín."

The churning was starting again.

Something sapping her strength.

"Heyrou Petta Modur."

The specific call to Hayley.

"Heyrou Petta Modur," She pushed through the ringing forming in her ear, "Heyrou Petta Mod – "

Freya choked like a sock was being stuffed into her mouth, the same shaking through her body, turning the blur of lashes into a kaleidoscope image. A shift in the universe she wasn't meant to see, three versions of the same image layered on top of each other, just to the left of where she knew they should've been.

"Stop," Freya moved her hands above her head quickly, panting while trying to understand the blip.

Yes, Freya had spent much of the summer adapting to her new mortality and the lack of Dahlia enhancing her power, but she was still strong. Strong enough to not get such a pushback at a slightly altered beacon spell, anyway.

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