229: Please, Which Way I Ought To Go From Here

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Hayley Marshall was walking to the church for the second round of Floare extraction magic. She'd planned to be early, but then some things had happened with Hope (baby things), and she was now rushing through the busy streets, leaving a voicemail for MJ.

"Hey - I am on my way," She was still trying to find her footing with MJ again, "Just running a little late, but..."

The hairs on the back of her neck went up.

"...I should be there soon."

She didn't hang up instantly.

Hayley didn't let her steps falter, slowing down subtly, eyes dancing around, scanning every face she could. Listening out for any familiar voices. Any smells. She was a wolf at the end of the day. If Tristan was there, she should be able to clock him.


Footsteps a little too in time with hers.

"On second thought," She locked eyes with a dark-haired man, "I'll be a little longer."

Hanging up, she cut into an alley, wanting out of the public eye.

The walkthrough was filled with abandoned construction equipment from some renovation further down the street, counting potential weapons and mapping out her new route to the church.

As the following steps reached the other entrance, she vanished.

The man narrowed his eyes.

A paint can rolled forward, cueing him to turn around and face her.

"You're not very good at tailing people," She crossed her arms, "Are you?"

He vamp-sped closer, "My talents lie elsewhere."

A hand moved up, Hayley blocking it and punching right back, only for his palm to fly up, breaking hers like it was nothing. Lunging for her neck –

He was yanked back by hands on the back of his jacket, chucked into the brick wall.

Maci was on alert between them, "Careful, Shen Min."

Hayley was rubbing her arm, watching them both.

"Is this really a fight you want to start?"

He grunted, "Of course you're here."

"Indeed," Maci smiled, "Prepared to die?"

"You wouldn't."

"I would," She clapped her hands, "Luckily for you."

A step closer.

"You have use."

He rushed up, Hayley cutting off the escape route with yellow eyes. It was enough to make him hesitate but not enough to make him stop, Shen's hand reaching for her throat, once again caught by Maci, Hayley kicking out to shove them both back.

Maci's arms wrapped around his waist, squeezing in, Hayley grabbing his legs when they came up.

He hissed, using all his weight to twist himself free and send them to the floor.

Hayley responded quickly, foot slamming into Shen Min's wrist when he reached hungrily to Maci, only for the woman to lurch quicker, getting hands on his neck. Holding him still enough for the hybrid to bite, venom causing a roar.

Maci twisted.


Shen Min collapsed to the floor, neck snapped.

"Well," Maci brushed herself down, "That was easier than I thought."

She stood up.

"Joys of a two-on-one."

Lights Flicker And Fade : Kol Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now