210: History Holds Us Tightly

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Davina had started her spell nice and early, drawing out Hayley while she was still semi-controllable. Making it possible to hold her in a circle of salt in the middle of her family tomb.

Candle lit and burning.

But now, the sky was darkening.

The spitting of the wick replaced with the snapping of bones as the shift back began.

Eyes fuming, howl to human growl.

Listening out for her pack.

A collection of untriggered members walking through the city.

On their way to The Bayou Bar, Josh at the back, eyes pinned on his phone – texting MJ. Asking if it was safe yet. Letting her know they'd all taken the stones from her room with minimal questions. Wanting to know if he was about to lead a group of people in a potentially bloody reunion.

A different pained howl, muffled by the dreamcatchers inside the windows. 

Street lamps flickering on, October chill finally entering the air as Levi Ajan walked down the pavement. Taking in the cracks as his breathing heaved through his entire body. Shoulders lifting. Dropping. Bones not quite in the right place. Almost too big and grating his joints. The dripping slashes across his face not healing the way the other injuries had – deep into his flesh, flaring eyes unable to be hidden, blessed by the lack of people around him.






Sweat mixed with dust and damp wood.

Like someone was working out in a rotting shed, yet no sound. No obvious shack. Just an open front yard, grass well worn. Two houses slightly greener than the rest, properly tending to their yards and flowerbeds after the summer heat. Opposite lawns, wooden fences dividing the space between the low-lying houses, windows of two floors making it clear they weren't bungalows despite their appearance. The mix of white and yellow paint and a few pink or orange to make the neighbourhood feel a little too shiny for the area of the city it was in.

But the smell was what he'd honed in on.

Leaving Levi to simply stare at the windowpanes.

Watching as a woman walked through the living room, pulling out a phone – noise masked. Confirming what he already thought. Dreamcatchers. The intricate designs of string created a silencing spell cutting out his increasingly heightened senses.

Mati had been walking to the kitchen when her phone rang, "Ryan?"

"Don't visibly react," Ryan Jung's tone was calm, "But some guy's been standing outside your house for the past ten minutes."

She swallowed, not letting herself look.

"Just staring."

Sound blockers went two ways; wolf senses not detecting him either.

"Is Sam still – "


"It's a wolf."

Mati paused, "What?"

"I got my camera," He admitted, "Zoomed in and stuff – in the reflection, you can see blood all over his face – "

Mati snorted at the mock detective work of her friend.

" – And a golden glow. His eyes – "

"So it's a wolf about to shift?" She shook her head, "If Sam's not shifted back yet..."

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