233: A Christmas Carol

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a/n: Sorry for the absence, exam/coursework season babyyyyy
Remember to comment and vote xx

MJ was standing in the street, early morning air fresh in her lungs. 

There was a tugging in her gut, and she couldn't sleep. The spiritual ritual seemed to have opened her mind slightly, pins and needles racing across her skin, feet moving through The Compound, grabbing a coat, and leading her straight into an alleyway in the city. Tilting her head and trying to understand.

"Great big house in New Orleans,
Forty stories high."

Each brush of wind was like a whisper.

The red-brick flashed into tall, creamy yellow-coloured winding streets, taking her far away from the dead end and bins. Above, the Night sky was murky and hard to focus on – stars more like bleeding bullet holes of light than the things she loved to gaze up at.

A step closer.

"Every room that I been in
Filled with pumpkin pie."


A slight puddle on the alley floor.

Wet and real – blinked back into dry air and a scream, head jolting up to see what stood in that alternate world. Bodies and bodies, rich scarlet spots around the corners, staining the ground in place of the New Orleans rain. Shoes on feet, legs piled together, bodies never going to walk again. Lying as a new body was about to join them, the perpetrator slowly becoming clear.

MJ tilted her head, "Kol?"

He wasn't looking at her, fixated on the face at his feet, eyes black and lips red, a laugh shaking his whole body as he leant forward to stroke the woman's lifeless face one last time.

Hand lurching back like the flesh stung him, pulling at his features before laughing even more.


He froze.

"MJ?" His voice came from behind her, MJ spun to see him by the roadside, "What happened?"

MJ looked back into the alley, "Um..."

No oddly European building waiting, just a dead end, rubbish bags piled up, and rain across the uneven ground. Hitting her face lightly as she took in Kol's confused expression.


He stepped towards her, "Mira?"

"I had a feeling."

His lips were slightly parted, tongue pressing into the top of his mouth.

"I – I – " She took a long breath out, "I think the – "

"Well," Her mother's voice cut her off, "Isn't this a re-run."

MJ spun back towards the alley.

No bodies.

No bloody Kol.

Just Ana Ruiz being held into the wall, the sun shining against her hair, Marcel being shoved back and giving her a smile.

"We need to leave," MJ's entire body felt freezing, "Now."


"You could just say hello."

Marcel watched Ana brush herself down, "Thought this would get more of a reaction."

He wasn't looming over her; stepping back to give her space, Ana instantly pushed off the brick to face him. Not enjoying the fact her stress had been proved right.

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