212: Underwhelmingly Easy

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a/n: sorry for vanishing for a few weeks, back to uni be like that.
But I'm here, and, lmao, this chapter
(If things don't make sense, they will eventually/don't be afraid to ask for clarification he he)
Let me know your thoughts on some of the convos
Don't forget to comment and vote xx
- Bea <3

Sitting in the storage room, MJ first explained why the place felt so funky. Books out of place. Possibly down to Marcel having stacked it, or the hunter routing through, but it was just off.

Chess pieces moved since she'd made her play on the board...

She stared at the change, "What?"

Levi had been to Sam's house.

He was in the city.

Had someone else moved it?

"It's an odd formation," Elijah noted, "Had someone set up the moves they thought you would make? Using a slow burn strategy for themselves."

"Yeah," MJ had noted that too, "No flashy opening set, but a clear direction trying to force my hand by cutting off certain squares."

Klaus looked over one of the shelves, "It's quite the collection for Marcel to have kept."

"Said by the man with chests full of letters from victims?" MJ's hand hovered forward, "What is the modern equivalent of that? You collecting laptops and phones?"

A half-shared smile needed following the earlier tension.

"Though..." MJ moved to the books, "...I don't quite get it."

"Marcel was obsessed with your mother," Klaus put it simply, "Upon murdering her and kicking the two rugrats she hid from him out – "

"Giving us a car to hide from the witches who wanted to kill me."

"Your brother the reason they knew to perform such an act."

"The point," Elijah was still looking at the chess, "Niklaus?"

"His guilt," Klaus finished, "Marcel's need to fill in the blanks of a master liar."

"But if this was all Marcel," MJ pointed forward, "Why is one of Ryos's books there?"

Walking forward to press the finger into the spine.

"And I don't mean some childhood book. Or some book our mum had that he took – that's a witch doctor post-New Orleans book. He got it from being a magic dealer."

A sigil on the side that matched the one she'd been sent.

"There's no way Marcel could have it unless he bought it."

"That man, Andrew, was kept here," Elijah stepped away from the pieces, "Who knows what else the hunter left lying about. If he's from a family of witches – "

Just touching it sent a shiver through MJ's spine, the sleek material of the binding almost squishy. Pulling it off the shelf to flip through the pages rapidly, Elijah reading over her shoulder.

"All of these spells are connected to power manipulation."

Andrew had led them away as part of his deal with Levi – was the book the reason why?

An unintentional hint?

Something key to the magic in him that he needed to keep close by?

MJ instantly regretted getting Kol to stay with Sam now.

He'd recognised the book Ryos had sent her, so he might understand the magic she didn't.

MJ straightened up, a breath of wind gracing their ankles and wrists like she might start strangling everything with it.

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