249: An Old Friend Calls

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MJ sat on her bed, back against the headboard, book in her lap, fingers grazing through Kol's scalp. Time had started to blur together, the bedroom like a cave on a cliff as she tucked herself in it, watching the world through the window, begging for the storm to pass. She had no raincoat over her shoulders, just tartan pyjama bottoms and a grey tank top, like the projection of mortality might trick the universe into leaving her alone.

Kol groaned as he turned, pulling Frankie into his chest only to jolt up, eyes rabid.

"Hey," MJ's hand found his chest, "It's all okay."

It took him a moment, blinking slowly, taking in his surroundings, the soft toy, and MJ, quickly placing her book on the side table and moving the blanket down to let him breathe.


He swallowed, rubbing his eyes.

"You've been out three days."

"Fighting off ancestral magic takes a lot out of man."

They were just looking at each other.

MJ's hand gently trailed down while watching how his irises seemed to grow, milk chocolate brown pulling her in like it was the very first time she was looking into them. Sparks across her cheek, causing her to pull her hand away, only for Kol to pull it right back, and her in tow, from his side to his lap, burying his face into her neck.

"You have no idea," He murmured faintly, "How badly I've wanted to kiss you."

"Kiss or kill," She teased, eyes fluttering shut, "I just – "

He stopped her by bringing their lips together, pushing the blankets away to hoist MJ up, side on, trailing down to press his lips on everything he could touch as his arms wrapped around her waist.


"I was going insane, M," He whispered against her skin, "They used your scream."

MJ's arms draped around his neck, unable to look away as he pressed her closer to his chest, each curve of his being so ingrained in her mind, yet desperate to memorise further.

"I didn't know what they were doing to you – "

"All okay now."

He inhaled the bodywash and perfume along her neck.

Letting MJ take in the returned coolness of his skin, lack of bags under his eyes, and soft hair.

How the racing thoughts she'd been screaming into her pillow since arriving at her father's house were suddenly silent, smoothed away with each of Kol's careful touches. MJ matched his face's position, nuzzling down like she hoped she might vanish inside his skin if she held on tight enough. Sadly, forced to face reality when that didn't happen.

"If you ignore the part," She carefully leant away, "Where Klaus wants me dead."

Kol curled his lips in, "You did it."

"I did it," She croaked, "I don't need to die for the unsired heart."

Kol let out a tight laugh.

"Just need to hold it."

"How did they get you down there?"

"Klaus compelled me."

Kol instantly tensed back, "What?"

"He wanted me off the board," She summarised, "So he compelled me to stay still and not siphon anything."

"And proceeded to get you both taken."

Lights Flicker And Fade : Kol Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now