211: You Hung The Moon

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a/n: 'calm' before the storm...
We're so close to canon. Sorry if it's felt slow or odd; but was fun to write and hopefully not too awful to read
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- Bea <3

Mentioning the police had unintentionally launched an argument. The community was at risk of discovery, not something the Mikaelsons cared much about, everyone's opinions making layers of white noise until MJ's hands were over her ears. It was like they were all talking through the high school announcement system, broken static the last thing she needed.

Then, MJ shot to her feet in a burst, everyone pausing to stare at her.

Expecting something.

She just blinked.


Kol's phone rang.

The device on the remains of the shack steps.

All of the New Orleans relaxed at the now familiar sixth sense.

It wasn't like MJ could predict every message, but when she was tense, she got hypersensitive.

"Unknown number," Kol picked it up, "Always loved pressing buttons in tense situations."

He answered.

"Evening –"

"Is MJ with you?"

A flood of relief spread through MJ's body, "Sam!"

She rushed closer, Kol flipping to speaker.

"I thought you were dead."

"Nice to feel loved."

"Your stuff's still at The Bayou."

"Yeah, I'm on my mum's phone. You didn't pick up."

"My phones..."

Destroyed by water and charge.

"...Not important – you okay?"

"I'm..." He didn't sound it, "With my family."

"How long?"

"Since lunch."

That was a wake-up call.

Sam was an early shifter – but still. MJ had seen Levi at eleven a.m-ish, meaning they'd been running around quite uselessly into the evening.

"There was shooting. And traps. Then this guy..." He sounded dazed, "They hid me in the shed."

His perfect behaviour would've alerted Mati to his identity.

"He followed me home."

The edge to his voice wasn't good. MJ had successfully given Sam a way to control the urge to kill, but it had clearly worn him down. Each full moon, he looked skinnier and paler. Tired bags around his eyes as he tried to see the good in the dancing and the food.

"Family messaged while you were out," Kol spoke quickly, "Was going to catch you up."

But Andrew.

"I've just shifted," Sam continued, "And this dude is coming for my family –"

He cut himself off with a controlling breath.

Attacking Elijah after the neck snap was the only time they'd seen him properly snap.

Insulting Klaus during Finn's lockdown had been the first crack, but it was still just exhausted words. Not pure rage. Nothing close to bloodlust heightened emotions the rest of them used to explain destroyed furniture.

Lights Flicker And Fade : Kol Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now