241: Postcards From The Edge

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a/n: This chapter is so long lmao, remember to comment and vote xx
Bea <3


Maci was nearly packed. She'd expected Kol to reappear quickly, given the swiftness of his supernatural abilities, and yet?


Something she was also trying not to think too hard about. The logical explanation was that he'd gone to tell Elijah; Elijah had gotten mad at him for meddling but then decided to help, and the pair were sorting more than just an exit strategy. Hopefully, sending her father and fiancé into some meeting with false news of an attack.

Her father needed to be occupied.

If he saw her?

She'd grown up believing Tabir was the favourite child. Her other siblings said it was her. The belief she was the child of a genuine love – as if her mother hadn't been a prisoner. As if her mother hadn't lost her sanity during the relationship. A bastard able to walk among them so freely and blessed – but she knew it was Tabir.

Always so proud of him.

Leaving him to die in a dungeon.

What would he do to her?

After treating her so well, she was fleeing him?

He'd have every right to kill her, too.

Maci stilled.

Was she making a mistake?

She loved her father.

She loved him so much – but he'd killed her brothers, ruined their kingdom, and forced her into a marriage, desperate to hold on to power more than listen to her guidance.

Maci felt herself start to cry again. Not the slight teardrops like her outburst at Kol, but actual tears burning her cheeks. Trying to write a note to explain why she'd left. Give him something to hold on to. Something so he wouldn't remember her cruelly or would at least feel guilty about blaming her in the history books.

Her door opened.

"You took your time," She spun to face the visitor, freezing, "Kaveh."

Her fiancé.

She quickly spun back to the mirror, "We are not meant to see each other."

He didn't respond, striding forward.


Something was wrong.

"Kaveh?" Maci was back to facing him, eyes darting around, "Are you – "

He lunged forward, hands going straight for her neck.


He was blasted into the nearest wall, his eyes widening, "Codugar."

Maci ran for the door, but he was faster, barrelling into her, slamming them both on the floor, fist flying into her jaw, head bashing the stone until everything was ringing. Two of him to focus on. Five. Her hand drove up, nails going straight into his face, digging into his skin and kicking out. Second hand waving to drop the sound-spell so everyone could hear her screaming.

"Stop it!" She screeched, a ripple of power shooting him back, giving her a chance to stand up.

Only to be left swaying, unable to stand.

His knees had been driving into her thighs, bruises already forming, nose bleeding, a metal tinge under her tongue, unable to focus. Being punched in the head by someone trained to fight, muscle mass double her weight, desperately trying to mutter spells, but unable to garble her words together.

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