236: Look At Us Now

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MJ and Maci made a pit stop at The Cauldron before returning to The Compound, MJ scanning one of her books. Some witches had rewritten the spells to make dark objects after the Mikaelsons had left the city, part of an effort to act like they'd created them without any aid, and MJ wanted to double-check they hadn't actually changed any of the core magic.

She wasn't about to involve Cami unless she was confident.

The only problem?

She paused outside the door, "That's new."

Maci stilled next to her, "What?"

"Is the writing moving to you, or is it just me?"

Maci stared at the page, squinting.

"Just me?"

"Just you, I think," Maci's head returned to her face slowly, "Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel itchy," MJ wouldn't lie.

Eyes pinned on the ink.

"Just..." She closed her eyes carefully, channelling power forward.


Her eyes snapped open, "Interesting."


"The ancestors are trying to mess with me again," She'd forgotten Kol's idea after finding Cami's body, "They haven't had this much fight in a while."

"They're stopping you from reading?"

MJ froze.

Eyes jumping between the words and the familiar face.

To all the strangers walking around behind them – driving down the streets –


There was life.

There were voices and singing and too many plot lines for some spirit or person to have constructed in a terrifying dream where one of her closest friends had died and –

"MiMi," Maci's hand was on her shoulder, "You with me?"

She forced a nod, "Yeah."

"What just happened?"

"Sometimes I question reality," MJ looked at the book again, "In dreams, you're not meant to be able to read."

It felt cliché.

"And, right now, I can't read..."

Maci spun, pointing across the street, "Yes. You can – "

"Selene – "

"Right there," She forced MJ to turn, arm over her shoulder to point, "Read it."

MJ breathed in slowly, staring at the sign, "Gravier Place Apartments."

"Nothing to question," Maci spoke firmly, "One spell book tainted by ancestral magic does not change that you are here. And you are real. And everything is okay."

MJ glanced to her shoulder, where Maci's face awaited, "Why say that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I tell you, I question reality, and you just roll with it?"

"Mira," Maci let go of her gently, "I may not know much about your recent life path, but I know sanity."

"Age makes you question things?"

"I killed one of The Five."

MJ paused.

"I know from MiMi Pasare's postings that you met a new generation."

Lights Flicker And Fade : Kol Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now