23.Cruel and unusual punishment.

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•Teeth- 5 seconds of summer
•Hayloft- mother mother

An hour later, Jane was sat the Dapper Chain. The warm air of the club felt a little suffocating to Jane, and it was mixed with the uncomfortable sensation of being shoved into clothes that she would rather not be wearing.

"How much longer do I have to wear this?" Jane muttered, pulling on the white crop top and blue skirt that she had been forced into by an over enthusiastic Penelope.

"Jane, stop fidgeting. Stay focused." JJ's voice was muffled in her earpiece, and Jane huffed a sigh of annoyance as she forced herself to sit still, wrapping her hands around the alcohol-free vodka and tonic on the bar in front of her.

"This is not the kind of 007, James Bond type shit that I thought I would be doing. This isn't even real vodka. I mean come on JJ. I'm British, you can't put me in a bar and tell me I'm not allowed to have a drink. It's a cruel and unusual punishment."

JJ didn't respond so Jane just sighed again, taking a sip of her drink and looking over her shoulder at everyone in the bar. All she had to do was get Mary Robinson's attention and take her round the side of the bar, where the rest of the team would be waiting to take Mary in. Then once it was over, she had the rest of her life to figure out what to do next. Maybe Canada, she thought, not much can go wrong out there. Morgan's voice crackled to life in her ear, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Behind you. Front entrance. Approaching on your left."

Downing the rest of her drink, she put her glass back on the bar and quickly glanced over her shoulder again. Sure enough, Mary Robinson had entered the bar and was making her way towards where Jane was sat.

"Keep it casual, don't keep looking at her. Wait until she approaches you, let her control the conversation."

Jane subtly pulled her earpiece out and tucked it into the top of her skirt, not wanting the extra voices to distract her. She heard one of the chairs next to her scrape on the floor before a low, hushed voice whispered to her.

"What are you drinking?"

Jane looked up to see a very tall brunette in a green dress lean her crossed arms on the bar. Her smile seemed warm and genuine enough, and if Jane didn't know any better, she could have been a regular person. But peering closer, Jane could see the dull look in Mary's eyes, the emptiness that had taken up residence. Realising she'd been asked a question, she smiled as convincingly as she could and leant in closer.

"I'm not really. Well, I'm not supposed to be anyway. It's alcohol free."

"You came to a bar to not drink?" Mary asked, her smile turning into a smirk.

"i'm on a special diet, no alcohol and all that. It's pretty much just a fake vodka tonic." Putting as much fake nicety into her voice as she could, Jane gestured to her empty glass.

Jane watched as Mary flagged the bar tender down and turned to smile at Jane again.

"Can I buy you another? Forgive me if I'm being too froward."

"Yeah, sure. Another would be great."

Mary smile grew as she ordered herself and Jane another round of drinks. Jane could see it now, the sort of hazy glaze of excitement surrounding Mary, feeding on the belief that she had Jane in her grasp, predator and prey. Jane let her feel that way, allowing the conversation to be led by Mary, giving her whatever reactions and responses she needed. They talked and drank, and talked some more, until about half an hour later. Mary, obviously eager to hurry her process along, made to stand up.

"Would you be interested in going somewhere more private? I live a few blocks away."

Good, Jane thought, okay this is good. Just get her outside, let S.W.A.T do their thing, then you can get out of this ridiculous skirt and get a real drink.

Allowing a small blush to crawl up her cheeks, Jane shot a shy smile at Mary from under her eyelashes and nodded. She pushed back on her chair and stood up, following Mary out of the front of the bar and into the late evening air. The sky was only just beginning to darken, a mix of blues broken up by the clouds still dotting the horizon. Jane could see Mary looking at her out of the corner of her eye and Jane did the same, keeping a look out for any concealed knives that Mary would inevitably use to try and kill Jane, all under the pretence giving her another a small smile.

As they cleared the front of the Dapper Chain, Mary led Jane towards the side of the building, away from the streetlights and the safety of the pedestrians on the other side of the road. Quickly scanning her surroundings, Jane couldn't help but notice the lack of people, especially those in bullet proof vests who were supposed to be her form of protection from the murderer she was currently walking with. Momentarily distracted with searching for her team, she didn't hear Mary stop walking. Jolted out of her search by a heavy grip on her shoulder, she was whirled around to face Mary.


Janes question was cut off by the motion of Mary sliding a long, silver knife into her stomach.

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