12.Do you ever stop talking?

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•Creep- Radiohead
•ilomilo- Billie Eilish

When the plane touched down in the pouring rain, Jane was the first to grab her stuff. She did not want to be on that plane anymore. She was the first one into the cars, sitting in the back to avoid any pitiful stares she might get. No one really spoke after her outburst and part of her was thankful for the silence. She was getting super pissed off every time someone opened their mouth. They wanted to know everything about everything, and Jane couldn't handle that. She'd been with these people for a few days and they already knew more about her than anyone else she'd ever met. She knew that only Morgan knew about the nightmares, but she didn't trust him to not tell everyone else. She'd know JJ since they were kids, but she hadn't seen her in a long time and Jane didn't want to pretend that nothing had happened in the years that they hadn't spoken to each other.

But as the car pulled up outside the BAU and she opened her door, she couldn't help but feel bad for getting pissy with everyone. They'd been nothing but nice to her and she kind of just shit on their feelings. So she stood in the rain and waited for the team to get out of the cars. She was waiting for someone in particular and sent a small smile in his direction when he stood next to her.

"Hey pretty girl." Morgan wiped the rain off his face and pulled his bag higher onto his shoulder. Jane sighed awkwardly and patted him on the arm.

"Okay first of all I'm going to sound like the worlds biggest asshole but can get a ride? I don't really feel like skating in the rain. Also, I'm super crap at apologising so I'm not going to." He nodded at her with his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.


"Instead I'm going to say thank you."

"For what?"

"For not being a dickhead. You kind of just take whatever shit I throw at you and honestly, I don't hate you."

"Wow Jane, as far as apologise go, that was pretty damn good." He chuckled.

"Okay shut up for a second and let me finish." Jane raked a hand through her soaked hair. "I'm sorry for being a total ass wipe and shitting on your dreams of being friends with a dickhead." Morgan smiled at her and slung his arm around her shoulder and they started walking towards his car.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He joked.

Jane frowned and pushed him away from her. She saw red flash across her eyes as she slapped him across the face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!"

Morgan stumbled back from her and held his face in shock.

"Whoa Jane what the hell was that for?"

"You know what that was for!"

"No I really don't."

"You know my moms dead Morgan! You know she's fucking dead and you made some bullshit joke about it!"

"Jane how could have possibly known that your mom was-"

"Oh don't give me that crap. We both know everyone's read my file. You said it yourself. Garcia has trust issues." Morgan furrowed his eyebrows and took a step towards Jane. The rain was still pouring on them and she was starting to shiver.

"You really think we read your file? Come on Jane. You know us well enough to know that we wouldnt do that."

"No I dont! I've known you for like a week."

"Jane, I know nothing about you apart from the fact that you suffer from nightmares and have an amazing reputation in playing snooker. No one read through your files. We don't roll like that."

Jane raised her eyebrows at him.

"Okay sometimes we do go through people's files but that's because its our job. But we haven't gone into yours because you're not an unsub."

"Then how come you're always interrogating me?"

Morgan chuckled and pulled Jane into his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Jane, I'm not interrogating you. I'm asking questions about you because that's what friends do. When was the last time you had a proper conversation with someone you actually like talking to?" She shifted under his arm and let her guard down. She rested her head on his shoulder and they began walking towards his car.

"When I was 14. That's when my parents died."

Morgan looked down at her, his eyes full of sympathy.

"Jane, you don't have to-"

"Do you ever stop talking?" She turned her head to him and grimaced. "Sorry. It's been a while since I last had a friend."

They got to Morgan's car and got inside, sheltering from the rain. He flicked on the engine and turned up the heat in an attempt to warm them up. He looked over at Jane and saw that she was only in a t-shirt. He turned around and rummaged through his backseat. He pulled out a navy jumper and handed it to her. She sent him a small smile and pulled it over her head. Now that she was swamped in dry clothes she turned to Morgan.

"It was Christmas eve. They um, they were called into work and they left me at home. Both of them worked in a bank and it got really late and they hadn't come home yet. I ended up putting on the news and it said that had been a robbery and two workers had been killed. And that was the day that poor old Jane Hanson became an orphan." She attempted a small laugh, but it came out as sob and Morgan pulled her into his arms. She didn't hug him back, but she closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I lost my dad too. He was a cop. He was shot in front of me. There was nothing I could do to save him." Jane pulled away from him and stuck her hand out in front of her.

"Welcome to the dead dad division, DDD for short." Morgan pulled a face and Jane quickly retracted her hand. "Sorry, I don't really know how to handle emotions."

He chuckled and put the car into reverse. They were about to pull out of the parking spot when someone knocked on Jane's window. She rolled it down to see Reid standing there, rain dripping off every part of his body.

"We got a case."

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