11.I'm FBI bitch.

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I want it- Viv and the revival
S&M- Rihanna

"Okay what?" Jane groaned at the team. She was laying down on the couch on the jet with her eyes closed. After she shot Joshua in the leg, everyone's eyes had been glued to her and it was pissing her off. She could feel them staring at her. No one had said a word to her since they left Franklin.
"You know for profilers, you're all pretty shit at being stealthy."
She opened her eyes and leaned up on her elbows. Everyone quickly busied themselves and tried to avoid Jane's gaze. Hotch continued to look at her from his seat. She sighed and slowly stood up, stretching her hands above her head. She walked over to where Hotch was and sat down in the seat opposite him.

"So, what's with the silent treatment?" Jane smiled at him. He put the file he was holding down and leant back in his chair, slowly closing his eyes.

"Jane, what you did could have got you suspended. You stole an agent's gun and shot an innocent man in the leg."

"Okay first of all, I'm technically not an agent so no harm done. Second of all, Josh was going to shoot Owen and anyone else that tried to stand in his way, so I was kind of doing everyone a favour."

Hotch turned and looked out of the window. He knew that Jane was right about Josh, but she shouldn't have shot him herself. She should have told Reid or himself about it.

"I know that now is probably a bad time but is there any chance I'll be getting a gun soon?" She rested her head on her hands and gave Hotch the sweetest smile she could. When Hotch sighed and continued to stare out of the window she took it as her que to leave. She started to rise from her chair when Hotch handed her a wallet.

"I was going to wait until we got back to Virginia, but I don't see the point."

"What's this?"

"Not a gun."

Jane opened the wallet to see her face and a badge. She smiled down at her own credentials.

"You know for someone who has the emotional range of cucumber, that was pretty funny."

She stood up, slid her creds into the back pocket of her jeans and walked back to her spot on the couch only to find Morgan sprawled across it with his headphones on. She kicked his shin and waited for him to look up at her. When he did, she mouthed 'move'. He smirked and shifted over in his seat. She rolled her eyes and threw herself down into the spot next to him. Jane pulled his headphones off and held one to her ear.

"So, this is what the muscle man listen to. Wasn't expecting you to be a Rihanna fan." She raised her eyebrows at him.

"You know Rihanna?" Morgan smiled at her.

"Everyone knows Rihanna."

"True, true." He nodded and took back his headphones. He sat up straight on the couch and turned to face her.

"Can we talk about what you said-"

"Ah no can do my overly toned acquaintance. I thought we had an agreement."

"Yeah but Hanson-"

"The deal was I tell you some life changing information about an itty-bitty cut on my hand and you indefinitely, how did I phrase it? Oh yeah, fuck off. So, unless you actually stick to our agreement, I'm going to have to say that you're not a man of your word. Therefore, you cannot be trusted. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and sit with someone who doesn't treat my life like a game of 21 fucking questions." She got up before Morgan could reply to her and walked to the other end of the plane. She sat down on one of the armchairs and closed her eyes.

"Hey, do you play?"

Jane opened one of her eyes and internally groaned to herself. Sat opposite her was Reid who was fidgeting with one of his chess pieces. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes again.

"No grandad, I don't."

"Then uh, why did you sit here?"

"Because your interesting and I wanted to hear all of your wonderful facts about the world."



Spencer didn't reply to her. He didn't know how to. Jane felt a small nagging in the back of her head, it was telling her that she was acting like a high school bully and she should apologise. She didn't. She was just happy that everything was quiet. But that voice in her head wouldn't shut up so she huffed and opened both her eyes.

"Morgan wouldn't leave me alone and this seat was the furthest one away from him."


"That's why I'm sat here."

"Oh. What was he asking?"

Jane groaned out loud and sat up straight in her chair. She snapped her fingers in front of Spencer's face to draw his attention away from his chess board. When he was looking at her she pointed her finger at him.

"No no no. The whole point of me moving seats was to stop the questions. I'm FBI too bitch. Save the interrogations for the unsubs."

"Jane I'm sorry I was just wondering-"

"Oh for fucks sake." Jane stood up and clapped her hands loudly.

"Hey hi, laddies and gents, listen up because I'm only going to say this once. My life is not some game show so stop asking me questions. You only need to know two things. First of all my name is Jane. Secondly, if anyone asks me another question about who I am, I'll break your legs. Oh and Garcia? If you look through my file, I will take a fucking hammer to your-"


She was stopped mid-sentence and looked over to see Hotch glaring at her. She turned her focus back to the other 5 agents on the plane and narrowed her eyes at them. She grabbed the sides of her shirt and curtsied.
"Always a pleasure." She said before sitting back down. God I need a drink.
so i made a playlist. clo wilson on spotify. the playlist is called 186 :)

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