| babysitting |

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you were sitting on the floor of the living room in steve's house, flicking through his movie tape collection as you tried to find something for you both to watch but you couldn't find anything interesting.

you were about to sit back on the couch when you heard something breaking upstairs.

"you son of a bitch!" you heard steve yell. you immediately stood up and started running upstairs. you walked over to steve's room and stood outside, where you saw dustin holding steve's bat, standing looking at a spilt in half record player.

"i'm sorry!" he yelled back as he dropped the bat. steve ran his hands through his hair then returning them to his hips.

you walked into the room carefully as to not step on anything. "what happened in here?" you asked, looking back and forth from steve and dustin.

"well dustin here just wandered into my room and started swinging my bat around." steve yelled, throwing his hands around whilst he spoke. "i didn't mean to break your stupid record player, steve! i'm sorry!" dustin yelled back. "hey! that record player was expensive!" soon enough, steve and dustin were yelling at each other.

"okay, alright, that's enough you two!" you stepped in, holding out your arms between dustin and steve. they both stopped yelling and steve placed his hands on hips.

"both of you are going to stop yelling at each other and clean this up, okay?" you said, looking at them both. they both mumbled responses under their breath. you walked out of the room to get a brush and pan.

you grabbed the brush and pan and walked back upstairs towards steve's room. you gave the brush to dustin and gave the pan to steve. "make sure every little bit is clean. i don't want to be stepping on any broken bits of a record player." you told them. as you walked out the room, you heard dustin say to steve, "geez, your girlfriend is scary, steve." you laughed and continued walking downstairs.

you sat on the couch, waiting for the boys to finish cleaning. a few minutes later, they came downstairs and emptied the dustpan into the bin. steve walked into the living room first and sat beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer.

"i swear, i felt like i was talking to two kids up there," you joked, resting your head on steve's shoulder. he laughed at your statement before kissing your head.

dustin soon walked into to the living room, seeing you two cuddled up on the couch. he walked over and purposely sat in the middle of you both, splitting you apart. he smiled sweetly at steve as steve glared at him, smacking the back of his head.

you shook your head, laughing before walking back over to the movie collection. you picked (the movie of your choice) and placed it into the vcr.

you walked back over to the couch, sitting beside dustin as he refused to move away from the middle of you both.

steve wrapped his arm around the back of the couch, squeezing your shoulder. you smiled over at him before turning back to watch the movie.

533 words

steve harrington | imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now