| just in case ~ pt. 2|

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it had been a month since vecna's final attack.

the attack that had left you unconscious in a hospital for a month.

steve hadn't slept through the first week following the incident, no matter how many times robin had told him he had to at least try.

from the start of visiting hours right up until the very last hour, steve is always sitting in the uncomfortable cheap hospital chair, telling you about his day even though he's not certain you can even hear him.

he tried to bring in flowers once but was quickly stopped by nurses, apparently it isn't allowed to bring flowers into icu, which steve was disappointed about.

you had casts on your arms and one of your legs. the party had came in and signed one of your casts on your arm and insisted steve did it too. your arm looked like a five year olds messy art project.

the nurses were practically on a first name bases with steve now, he's never missed a day. most of the time they have to wake him when he falls asleep in the chair beside your hospital bed.

they'll never admit it but some of the party have lost a tiny bit of hope in you coming back. they wish and wish but, realistically, they can't see it happening.

steve, on the other hand, believes with every fibre of his being that you'll come back to him. you have to. he refuses to even think about what is life would be like without you.

you had too much stuff planned to do together in your future for steve to lose you this soon.

but there was one day were steve thought he was going to lose you.

he was sat in the uncomfortable chair in the small hospital room, the smell of cleaning chemicals practically choking him and the depressing off white painted walls not helping his already low mood.

steve was holding your hand ever so gently, not knowing if you could feel it and if you could, he did not want to hurt you.

he had been talking about his shift at family video before a nurse walked in.

she waddled over to the bedside and shot a friendly smile steve's way.

"oh, don't worry about me, just pretend i'm not here. just have to check a few things." she explained as she looked over the machine that you were hooked up to through many different wires.

she let out a quiet sigh and steve heard it.

he sat up straighter in the seat, his eyes widened, fear and panic coursing through his veins.

"what's wrong? is she okay? why'd you sigh? has something happened? has she got worse?" he fired question after question, not taking time to stop and breathe between them.

the short nurse shook her head.

"we just thought there would be more improvement by now, that's all." she explained.

steve furrowed his eyebrows.

"i thought improvement takes a while?" he asked, trying to stay positive.

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