| basketball |

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you walked towards the harrington house, the sun setting ever so slowly in the distance, the blue sky above you slowly turning orange and pink. the streets were quiet but a few cars drove past. your music was blasting through your headphones as you walked. you decided to go to visit steve earlier than you had planned, as you had nothing else to do. when you reached the house, you paused your tape and moved your headphones to loosely hang around your neck. you walked towards the door and knocked on it three times. you tapped your foot whilst you waited for the door to open. you knocked again but there was still no answer. you were about to knock again until you heard the sound of a slight bang and a quiet cheer. you walked towards the back of the harrington residence. as you walked around, you saw your shirtless boyfriend running around the yard, a basketball in his hands as he threw it towards the basket.

you watched for a few extra minutes before walking into the back, clapping a few times which made steve look towards the noise. "and there he is," you began, stepping towards steve after you finished clapping. "the star player, steve harrington." you stopped in front of him, smiling. steve chuckled and shook his head, his hair bouncing around as he did so. he held the ball under his arm and leaned in towards you and kissed your forehead. "i didn't think you were coming over till later." he said, running a hand through his hair. "i had nothing to do and i'm glad i came over now." you said, looking him up and down. steve jokingly rolled his eyes . "well, i need to go for a shower then we can go out or something." he said. you shook your head. "no, don't let me ruin your amazing basketball practice. i'll just admire the sight." you winked at him, making steve roll his eyes again. you removed your headphones from
around your neck and sat them on the seat beside you.

steve held the basketball in his hands and pushed it towards you. you squealed and jumped out of the way as steve laughed. "oh my god, it won't hurt you, y/n." he told you, walking over and picking the ball up. "uh, yeah it will. that thing is solid, steve." you stated, placing your hands on your hips. steve laughed again. "fine, catch." he said, throwing it towards you again, this time you caught it. you bounced it. "okay, now try and score." he added. "this is so easy." you said as you picked up the ball and began walking to the hoop. "you can't just walk with the ball, y/n. it's common sense." steve told you. you raised your eyebrows. "why can't i walk with the ball?" you asked. "it's the rules. everyone knows that." he replied, knocking the ball out of your hands. you groaned. steve bounced the ball and walked towards you. "you have to dribble the ball while you move." he told you, passing the ball back to you. you caught it and began dribbling it as you walked towards the hoop. your eyes were so focused on the ball that you didn't notice steve reaching over and knocking the ball out of your hands once more. "what the hell was that?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. "oh come on, you didn't think i was going to let you score that easily did you?" steve smirked. you rolled your eyes and grabbed the ball out of steve's hands.

you dribbled the ball once more and tried to think of a way to get around steve. he was standing with his arms out, blocking your way. you quickly moved to the side and ran forwards, hoping you would get past steve but you didn't. steve moved towards you, enveloping you in his arms and pulling you towards his shirtless torso. you sighed in defeat before smiling at steve. "pretty sure this is against the rules." you joked. "oh, so you know the rules now?" steve chuckled. "yeah, i was just joking before. i actually know every single thing about basketball." you said, matter-of-factly. "oh yeah?" steve asked, raising his eyebrows and smiling. "yeah." you replied. steve shook his head and chuckled before he leaned down towards you and kissed you slowly. you smiled into the kiss, letting the basketball fall from your hands as you loosely wrapped your arms around steve's neck. when steve heard the basketball drop onto the concrete, he quickly separated from you and picked up the ball, throwing it towards the basket and scoring. you watched as he cheered, your mouth agape. steve turned to look at you, a smug smirk on his face. "i can't believe you." you said, scoffing and shaking your head. steve shrugged and held his hands up. "not my fault i'm a genius." he said.

you shook your head again and picked up the basketball as it rolled towards you. "just watch. i'm gonna score." you stated, confidently. you got into position and jumped up, throwing the ball towards the basket and completely missing. you heard steve burst out into laughter behind you. you looked over your shoulder and glared at him, making him stop laughing and smile at you. "i'll help you." he said, walking up behind you and placing his hands on your waist. "all you gotta do is just aim for the basket and shoot, easy, right?" he said and you nodded. "just move forward a little." he directed you to a perfect distance away from the basket. "okay, now just aim and shoot, jump up a little too." he told you. you aimed for the basket and jumped, shooting once again but this time it landed in the basket. you raised your arms and cheered. "i did it!" you exclaimed, turning to face steve with a huge grin on your face. "yeah you did!" he cheered, running over and picking you up. "my girls a star basketball player." he smiled up at you as he spun you around before lowering you to the ground, cupping your face and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. steve wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he walked into the house, stopping so you could quickly grab your headphones.

he walked up to his bedroom, opened his closet and grabbed his faberge organics shampoo and conditioner and some body wash before heading into the bathroom, you could hear the shower turn on. you looked into his closest and saw some of the clothes steve had bought for when you came over. instead of taking some of those clothes, you took a pair of your own shorts and one of steve's t-shirts. you quickly changed into them and sat on the edge of steve's bed whilst you waited. you looked around and saw a photo strip of you and him. you smiled as you remembered when it was. steve had taken you to a fair and you practically dragged him into the photo booth. "my hair isn't going to fit in this tiny booth, y/n." steve told you as he struggled to fit. "yes it will. just sit on the bench." you replied, practically pushing him down. steve placed his hands on your waist and pulled you into his lap after he had sat on the bench. you smiled and placed the money into the booth. you looked back at steve, giggling under your breath after you saw how messed up his hair was. "what's so funny?" he asked. "your hair." you replied. *click* the first photo was a concerned steve and you, mid laughter. "it's fine, honestly. we're missing the photos." you whined. "okay, okay. we still have three more." steve said. *click* you both smiled for the second one so it was a little basic. steve smirked as an idea came into his head. he quickly leaned his head up and placed a few kisses to your jaw down to your neck from behind. *click* third photo was steve kissing your neck. "steve!" you squealed. he laughed and leaned back. "sorry! sorry! you just look so amazing, gorgeous. couldn't help myself." he smirked, winking at you. you smiled and leaned down, pressing your lips to his as you brought your hand up to rest on his cheek. *click* the fourth photo was of you two kissing.

you smiled at the memory. you were pulled out of your trance after you heard the shower run off. steve walked into the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist as he carefully dried his hair with another towel. your eyes were once again glued to his shirtless chest. steve noticed this and smirked. "enjoying the view?" he joked. you nodded, your eyes never moving. "very much so, yeah." you smiled. he shook his head and grabbed a pair of pyjama trousers and walked to the bathroom, quickly pulling them on. steve walked back into the bedroom, his wet hair sprawled across his forehead. "you look so different without your big poofy hair." you told him and he laughed. "good way or a bad way?" he asked. you shrugged. "good way i guess. you could pull off any hairstyle." you replied. steve walked towards the tv and placed a tape into the vhr. "stole this from family video earlier." he told you. you moved further back into the bed until your back came into contact with the wall, steve sat beside you. "won't you get in trouble for taking the tapes?" you asked. steve shrugged and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer towards him. "robin won't tell keith. plus, i return them." he explained, kissing your head as the movie began. about halfway into the movie, you fell asleep. steve noticed this and slowly moved away from you, taking the tape out of vhr and turning the tv off. he carefully picked you up and pulled back the covers on the bed, setting you down and getting in shed is you. he pulled the covers over the both of you and wrapped his arm around you, carefully pulling you towards him until your head was on his chest and kissed your head. he would never get over the feeling he gets when he lays in bed with you like this.

1737 words

steve harrington | imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin