| confession |

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steve waited outside of the restaurant in his car, tapping his finger on the steering wheel in time with the song coming from the radio. he looked around the parking lot at the couples that were either entering or leaving the restaurant. his eyes looked back over to the entrance of the restaurant as he waited for you to come out. the glass doors swung open and you quickly walked out of the restaurant, looking around for steve's car until your eyes finally met his. you sent him a friendly smile and walked towards his car, jumping into the passenger side and sighing. steve waited until you put your seatbelt on before driving out of the parking lot. "so, what was so bad about this one?" he asked as he drove. you sighed again. "what wasn't bad about that guy." you replied, looking out the window. steve scoffed. "i'm sure he wasn't that bad, y/n." he said. "uh, yeah, he was. like, he didn't shut up the entire date. i barley had time to talk." steve quickly looked over at you, his eyebrows furrows and a puzzled expression on his face. "the last date you went on you said the guy didn't talk enough." he stated, making you roll your eyes. "yeah, but there's a line, steve. you don't talk that much on a first date unless you're a psychopath." you raised your eyebrows as you spoke. steve rolled his eyes.

"look, i know i told you that if you ever needed help you should call me but i didn't mean whenever you have bad dates. i mean, this is like the sixth date, y/n." steve complained. "this was an emergency! he was that bad i had to beg to use the phone in the restaurant." you explained. "but hey, you don't have to pick me up." you told him but steve shook his head. "of course i'm going to pick you up. you're my best friend, asshole. i couldn't just leave you." he joked, taking one of his hand off of the steering wheel to hit your shoulder slightly. you chuckled and pushed his hand away, your eyes lingering on his face for a little longer than they should. you quickly blinked and turned your attention to the radio, clearing your throat. steve looked at you out of the corner of his eye. "what?" he asked. you raised your eyebrows. "your music taste is shit, steve." you told him, opening the glove compartment and digging around inside. "what're you doing?" he asked, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look at you. "i'm trying to look for the mixtape i left in your car." you explained. you pulled things out of the glove compartment before finally getting the tape. "got it!" you exclaimed, taking out the old cassette and putting in your mixtape. as the first song played, you bobbed your head to the beat.

steve looked at you whilst the traffic was at a stand still. you sang well out of tune and shook your head in all directions, your hair flailing around as you did so. steve laughed as he watched you. if steve was being honest with himself, the only reason he didn't like picking you up from these dates was because he wasn't the one taking you out. all of your dates he had picked you up from had been a disaster and steve knew - he just knew - that if you went out with him instead of the other douchebags, the date would definitely end differently. he had been crushing on you for months but nobody knew. well, almost nobody. the only person who knew was steve's other best friend and coworker, robin buckley. every time you leave family video, steve's eyes follow you out of the store until you've left his sight. one day, robin decided to be honest with steve. after robin heard the door close, she looked over her shoulder before looking back at the tapes on the shelf. "it's so obvious you like her." robin told him whilst stacking the shelves. steve's head shot in her direction. "what? what're you talking about? we're friends. best friends, that's all." steve brushed it off. robin sighed. "that's a shame because she kinda likes you back." she lied. steve's face lit up and his heart skipped a beat. "she does?" he smiled. robin smirked. "i knew you liked her!" steve hated that robin figured it out. but how could he not like you? you were the most gorgeous girl he had seen in his entire life. what he wouldn't give to be able to call you his.

steve hadn't even noticed the traffic had moved until he heard the car behind him honk the horn. steve quickly began driving again, reluctantly pulling his eyes away from you. "woah, careful pretty boy. i think all that hairspray is getting to your brain." you joked as you jolted back at the quick movement. steve's heart fluttered at the nickname. he internally groaned. what is going on with him? you gave him that nickname years ago and it never once made him feel like this. no girl had ever made him feel like the way he felt now. he clutched the steering wheel to try and get the feeling away. you looked over once you realised steve hadn't retaliated with his jokingly sarcastic comment like he always does. your eyes shot to his hands gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. you reached out and gently touched the back of his hand. this did not help steve in the slightest. "are you okay?" you asked as he kept his eyes on the road. steve nodded, his grip on the steering wheel only getting tighter as your hand stayed on the back of his. steve's eyes quickly shot down to your hand and then back to the road. you took your hand away from his and looked out of the window, watching as you drove past buildings.

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