| carnival |

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when steve heard that the carnival was in town, he knew that he had to take you. he didn't shut up about it until you agreed to go with him. when you did agree, he practically jumped up and down with excitement, it was so cute. you decided to go the next day because it was supposed to be really warm. after you were ready, you sat in your living room, waiting for steve. he arrived outside of your house a few minutes later, honking his car horn to tell you he was outside. you walked out of your house and towards steve's car, getting in to the passenger side. "hey." steve said as you got in,  leaning over and kissing you gently. "hey." you smiled back. "heyyy." you heard a voice from the back seat say. you jumped and looked behind you. you were met with dustins smiley face.

"hi, dustin." you looked back at steve. "is he just always with you, steve?" you asked. steve rolled his eyes and began driving to the carnival. "he practically showed up at my house-" "did not." dustin cut him off. steve looked at him quickly. "i was walking to my car and he was just standing there, like a lost puppy. he asked me if i could give him a ride and before i could respond he was already sitting in my car." steve told you. you laughed and looked back at dustin. "hey, it worked!" he said. you shook your head looked out of your window. steve reached over and placed a hand on your thigh, earning a fake gag from dustin in the backseat. "what? what's wrong now?" steve asked. "you guys are so gross." he said before looking out of his window. "and could you go any slower?" he asked. "i'm sorry for going the speed limit, asshole." steve replied. they argued like this the entire way to the carnival.

steve walked to the passenger side and helped you out of the car, locking the car once dustin got out. "hey, henderson." he shouted over at him. dustin turned around. "be back here by nine." he told him. dustin sighed. "that's not enough time." "that's at least 5 and a half hours, it's plenty of time." steve said. dustin opened his mouth to say something. "it's not up for debate. be here by nine or find your own way home." dustin groaned and walked away to find the party. steve took your hand before walking around the park. you first stopped at a cotton candy stand, ordering one for yourself. you opened your bag to get some money but steve pulled your hand away from your bag. "no, i'll buy it." he said, paying for the cotton candy and handing it to you. you smiled and kissed his cheek before ripping a piece off of your cotton candy and handing it to him. he smiled and ate it before walking around with you again.

once you had finished your cotton candy, you saw a ferris wheel in the distance. you dragged steve towards it. "woah, where we going?" he asked as you dragged him behind you. "there's a ferris wheel!" you squealed. he laughed as you continued to drag him. when you finally reached the ferris wheel, you gave the man your tickets before jumping into the cart, steve making his way in beside you. as the ride went up, you looked all around you at the view. steve took your hand as the cart got higher and higher before eventually stopping at the top. you looked at the view. "look how nice the view is from up here." you said. steve smiled as he saw you look out the cart. "yeah, it's beautiful." he said, whilst looking at you. you looked over at him before resting your head on his shoulder. steve wrapped his arms around your shoulders and kissed your head. he looked down to the ground. "look, you can see henderson from up here." he said, pointing to dustin and the rest of he party. you looked over and saw them. "missing your kid, steve?" you joked. he rolled his eyes playfully and the cart began lowering to the ground once more.

steve got out when it reached the bottom, holding his hand out hand helping you out. you smiled at him before walking with him. whilst you were walking, you saw a photo booth. you dug around in your bag for some money before walking over with steve. you pulled him inside and closed over the curtain "a photo booth? really?" he asked. "shut up, they're cool." it was quite cramped in the little booth. steve's sat on the bench that was behind you and pulled you down so you were sitting on his lap. "steve!" you squealed, hitting his chest. you leaned over and placed the money into the machine. steve snaked his arms around your waist. you looked at him before looking at the camera. "smile!" you told him as you heard a click. you then looked at him before hearing another click. steve closed the gap between you two, your lips meeting in a passionate kiss. *click* you ran your hands through his hair as his hands made their way to the side of your neck, pulling you closer to him *click* you both pulled back for the last photo, trying to catch your breath. you both burst into laughter as you heard the fifth and final click. the photos slowly printed out and you grabbed them, pushing the curtain to the side and jumping out.

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