| steve harrington headcanons |

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- robin knows absolutely everything about you. steve won't shut up about you. it gets to the point that sometimes robin has to cover her ears to stop hearing about you, but she really likes you.

- surprisingly, he loves it when you play with his hair. even though he doesn't let anyone touch it, he absolutely loves it when you play with his hair, it makes him feel safe.

- he's scared in case you'll leave him, like nancy did. you always tell him that you'd never do that but it's always in the back of his mind.

- ^^ this means he gets jealous quite easily, not because he doesn't trust you but because he doesn't trust others. whenever he sees someone flirting with you, he'll walk over to you and wrap his arm around your waist and give the other person a death glare. sometimes he'll even kiss you in front of them.

- always worries about your safety before his own. if you're both in a dangerous situation, he'll make sure that you're not hurt, even if he is. he'll also make you promise that if your both in danger, that you'll get yourself to safety and leave him behind. you'll never make that promise though.

- he's a sucker for cheesy rom-com movies but he will never admit that, like ever. you put one on once and he started making a fool of it but ten minutes later, he was addicted to it and wouldn't let you speak until it finished.

- loves to flirt with you, even though you're dating.

- loves to touch you in whatever way he can, not sexually. having his arm around your waist/shoulders, holding your face, having his hand on your thigh, holding your hand, etc.

- flirts with you even more when he's drunk but then whenever you try to touch him he avoids you, telling you to stop because he has a girlfriend.

- you always help him with dustin. you think it's so cute how they get on.

- whenever you guys go to parties together, he's very protective of you. he doesn't want you to get too drunk because of what happened with nancy but he also doesn't want to ruin your fun. he'll never leave your side, his arm is either around your waist or he's holding your hand.

- always takes you to skull rock (iykyk)

- loves taking you to drive in movie theatres. he loves to sit really close to you, your head on his shoulder and his arm around your shoulders. you both bring so much snacks but it usually ends with you two making out in the back seat.

- will always let you know how much you mean to him. constant compliments, always whispering sweet nothings in your ears and always telling you how much he loves you.

- this man is so loyal. he would never dream of being with anybody else but you. even if you guys broke up, he would do whatever he could to get you back.

- on hot days, you guys lie out by his pool. he's usually the first to actually go into the pool. he'll then splash you until you get in, if that doesn't work he'll literally just pick you up and throw you in. no questions asked.

- whenever you guys are walking around at night helping the kids with whatever upside down stuff they need help with, he'll take out his bat and sing your favourite songs into it. you always roll your eyes at him but you love it when he does it.

- whenever you're tense, he'll go behind you, massage your shoulders and kiss your neck down to your shoulders. when you feel better, he'll rest his chin on your shoulder or the top of your head and hug you from behind.

- he loves to give you hugs from behind. like i said on the one above, he'll rest his chin on your shoulder and kiss your neck. he loves seeing you get flustered.

- will rant to you about his work. he'll come into your room, lie in between your legs and rant. you'll run your hands through his hair and up and down his shoulders, listening to him as he rants and throws his hands around when he talks.

- sometimes it takes him a while to understand things. you think it's so cute when you see him try to figure stuff out. he'll furrow his eyebrows, squint his eyes and look up when he tries to work stuff out. he'll also talk to himself  while doing these things.

- whenever he's around robin with you, he'll never shut up about how she told him he'd never find a girlfriend and how he's with the best girl in all of hawkins.

- usually he comes over to your place. he really isn't close to his parents. you only ever go to his house when his parents aren't home.

- always gives you his jacket. you guys could be walking around together and you could shiver for a second and his jacket would be off so quickly. if you refuse to take it, he'll wrap it around your shoulders.

- whenever you both go to funfairs together, he'll always win you those absolutely huge bears. he'll win you whatever you want and sometimes will win too much. whenever you have too much, you just give them all to dustin and the rest of the party.

- he always get so happy when he sees you in his shirts. he'll try and fight off his smile but it never works.

- if you're mad at him and don't want to talk to him, he'll pick you up bridal style and refuses to put you down until you agree to talk to him.

- will drive to remote locations in the middle of the night and sit on the hood of his car, hugging, kissing and talking all night just to get away from everything. usually ends with you falling asleep on him and he needs to carry you back into the car.

- super respectful. he loves to be close to you and will take whatever chance he can get to kiss you but if you tell him you're not in the mood or tell him to stop or slow down, he immediately will.

- dustin always tries to embarrass him. you guys could be on a date and somehow, dustin appears and just smiles at steve before trying to embarrass him in front of you. you find it adorable.

- always apologises first after arguments, even if he feels he did nothing wrong. he'll always show up to your house with flowers and hold them up to his face, just below his eyes, giving you puppy dog eyes from behind them. you can't help but accept his apology.

- the six kids are also your responsibility. if steve is unavailable and can't help them, they all come running to you. steve loves seeing you with them. it makes him think about the future and his life with you.

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