| moonstruck |

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moonstruck - unable to think or act normally, especially as a result of being in love.

you sat on the bleachers, a book beside you and a notebook on your lap. you knew that the basketball team sometimes practiced during lunch but you would still sit on the bleachers to revise for upcoming tests. just as you thought, you saw the basketball team running into the hall. you weren't the only person sitting on the bleachers. all you could hear was the sound of shoes squeaking on the floor. you dug around in your bag and found your headphones. you placed them over your ears and placed your tape into the cassette player and looked down at your notebook when the music began playing. steve ran around the hall as the team practiced. he could obviously see that there were people sitting in but he didn't know you were there. steve has had a crush on you for a while and if he knew you were there, he would probably try so hard to impress you.

they practiced for a while more before they took a break, sitting on the benches and drinking their water. steve stretched as he looked around the hall. his eyes landed on you. you were still writing things down in your notebook with music blasting through your headphones. steve found himself starting to smile a little. he was snapped out of his trance when he felt someone slap him on the back as the basketball team walked back onto the court. now that steve knew you were here, he always looked over at you which obviously meant he wasn't focusing on the his practice game. he still hadn't seen you look up from your notebook. all the noise of the shoes squeaking and angry yelling between the teams drowned out as steve looked at you. it wasn't long until he was snapped out of his trance once again when the basketball came in contact with his chest. "steve, what the hell?" tommy yelled at him. "sorry, i wasn't ready!" he yelled back, picking the basketball up. steve stole another glance at you.

all the yelling made you look up. when you looked up, you made eye contact with steve and smiled at him. his eyes widened slightly and he smiled back before you looked back down at your notebook. after you smiled at him, steve couldn't think straight. he was tripping over his feet and missing some of the shots he made. usually he would be embarrassed and frustrated but he was too hung up on the fact you smiled at him that he didn't care. steve could get any girl he wanted in the school and he knew that but he honestly just wanted to be with you, nobody else. the team eventually finished practicing and walked into the locker rooms. you stood up and walked out of the hall, making your way to your locker to place your notebook and books away. steve rushed to get ready, basically running out of the locker rooms to check if you were still sitting in the bleachers but, to his disappointment, you weren't. he walked out of the hall and saw you at your locker.

your music was still blasting out of your headphones. it was so loud it was basically deafening. you were digging around in your locker to make space for your notebook. steve began to walk up to you but the bell stopped him in his tracks. the bell was the only thing you could hear over your music. you closed your locker and shrugged your bag onto your shoulder, walking to your next class. steve knew that he shared the next class with you. you reached your class and sat down, taking off your headphones and placing them in your bag. steve walked in and sat in his seat across the class from you. as everyone piled into the class, steve couldn't pull his eyes away from you. if he was being honest with himself, he was nervous when he was around you and he found that weird. he'd never felt like that around a girl before. he hadn't even realised the teacher had began the lesson until he saw you writing down in your book. he quickly began writing stuff down too.

he understood everything the teacher was talking about, he found everything quite easy but when you looked over your shoulder in his direction because someone dropped something, his brain went to mush. he forgot everything he had learned, and at the worst time too. the teacher had called him. "mr harrington." the teacher called on him, his voice stern. steve looked over. "glad you're listening now. are you going to answer the question that i've wrote on the board?" the teacher said, pointing towards the board. steve furrowed his eyebrows. "uh..." he said as he squinted his eyes trying to figure it out. the teacher lost his patience and shook his head before asking you to answer the question. you answered it correctly which basically just made steve fall for you even more. the rest of the class was a blur, steve smiling whenever he heard you laugh with a friend. his next class however went by painfully slowly. you weren't in his class so he just sat with his head resting in his hand.

at the end of the day, steve walked out of the school and made his way towards his car. he saw you standing in the parking lot, looking around as you stood. he walked up to his car and fiddled around with his keys and almost dropping them as he unlocked the car. he looked over at you and noticed you looked frustrated. "are you okay?" he asked, making you jump. "hm? yeah, i'm fine. just that my ride was supposed to be here ten minutes ago." you told him. he leaned his hand on his car and tapped his foot. "it's, uh, it's pretty cold." he stated. "i could give you a ride home if you want." he asked, trying to keep his nervousness at bay. you looked over at him and furrowed your eyebrows. "not in a weird way or anything." he panicked. you chuckled at his sudden response and thought for a second. you shrugged and made your way to his passenger side. "sure, thanks." you told him, opening the door and getting in. steve smiled and got into the car. you told him your address and he began driving, people giving you looks when they saw you in his steve's car.

you kept your eyes looking out of the window for the entire car ride, music playing faintly from the radio. steve was surprised you couldn't hear how fast his heart was beating. he gripped the steering wheel as he drove. "by the way," you spoke up. steve quickly glanced over at you. "i saw you looking at me in the hall." you told him. "oh, uh..." he started. "and in class." you added, looking over at him. his eyes widened and he gripped the steering wheel even harder than he was before. he opened his mouth but no words came out. you smirked slightly when you saw his cheeks turn a slight pink colour. steve could see you looking at him out of the corner of his eye. "well, i, uh, i..." he stammered. you raised your eyebrows as you waited for him to continue but he didn't. he stopped driving. "uh, you're-you're here." he said, quickly changing the subject and looking out of his window. you didn't move. you stayed sitting in his car and crossed your arms. steve looked over at you when he realised he didn't hear the door open and close. "what're you doing?" he asked, fidgeting with his hands. "i wanted to know why you were looking at me today." you replied.

he let out a quick breath. "i-i wasn't." he said. "pretty sure you were." you said. you heard him sigh. "it's embarrassing." he muttered, looking down at his hands. "oh please, you're the king of hawkins high, what is there for you to be embarrassed about?" you asked him. he looked up at you. "i...like you." he confessed, mumbling the last bit. "what?" he sighed again. "i like you." he said, louder this time. your eyes widened at the confession. "holy shit." you said. "really?" you asked and he nodded. "holy shit." you repeated. "the king of hawkins high has a crush on me." you joked. steve shook his head and laughed. "obviously i like you too, i mean, you're steve harrington." you told him. he laughed again. "and you're y/f/n. look at you." he said, making you smile and blush slightly. you looked away to hide your reddening face. when you looked back, you saw steve looking at you, a slight smirk on his face. before you knew it, you were leaning in towards him. steve's hands instinctively made their way to your cheeks, pulling you towards him quicker. he met you halfway and your lips met. you could feel him smile and stroke your cheek with his thumb as he kissed you. when you pulled away, steve was still smiling. you quickly smiled at him before reaching into your bag, ripping a piece of paper out of your notebook and grabbed a pen, scribbling your number down on the paper and handed it to steve. "i'll be expecting a call soon, harrington." you joked. steve quickly nodded. you smiled him before getting out of his car and walking into your house.

1606 words

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