| stressed |

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rain bounced off your window as tapped your pencil on the paper that was in front of you in your desk. you had been studying for a test you had coming up all night and you were starting to get bored but you knew that if you didn't study, you would hate yourself when it was time to take the test. your house was empty and it was silent, apart from the sound of rain outside. you rubbed your eyes and looked back down at your books before writing down some things on your paper. you didn't even notice that your boyfriend, steve, had walked into your room. you only realised he was there when you felt two arms slip under yours and a pair of lips on your neck. you jumped at the sudden feeling but immediately eased into steve's touch when you realised it was him. "you scared the shit out of me, steve." you joked. you felt him chuckle against your neck.

he rested his chin on your shoulder and looked at all the books and revision notes on your desk. "what's all that?" he asked. "i'm studying for the math test." you told him. "oh, that. i just study the night before the test." he confessed (but like, same). "seriously?" you asked, turning your head to look at him. "mhm." he said, kissing your cheek and standing up straight. he put his hands on your shoulders. "jesus, your shoulders are really tense, y/n." he told you. you threw your head back. "yeah, well, i'm stressed about this test." you said. you felt steve begin to gently massage your shoulders. "you have no reason to be stressed." he said as he massaged your shoulders. "you are going to do amazing in this test, just like you do in every other test you get, okay?" you looked up at him and smiled at him. he smiled back at you and leaned down, pressing a quick and gentle kiss to your lips.

he continued to massage your shoulders and you decided to continue studying. you picked up your pencil and started scanning over your books again, writing down some new and important information. steve leaned down and kissed your neck gently as he massaged your shoulders. you closed your eyes and smiled, moving your head slightly. "steve, i'm trying to study." you mumbled. you could feel him smiling against your neck. "i know." he said. "i'm just trying to help you relax." he stated, trailing his kisses from your neck to your shoulder now. "plus, i think you're almost done studying now, aren't you?" it was more of a statement than a question. you nodded. "i'll stop in five minutes. promise." you told him. he kissed your cheek before standing up straight again, still massaging your shoulders.

the five minutes had finished and, just like you had promised, you had stopped studying. you were placing your books on top of each other and pushed them to the side of your desk, laying your pencil and paper beside them. steve had stopped massaging your shoulders. his arms were being slipped under yours and wrapped around your stomach whilst he rested his chin on the top of your head. you placed your hands on top of his, stroking the back of his hand with your thumb. you stayed like this for a few minutes, closing your eyes and listening to the rain outside. steve lifted his head and unwrapped his arms from around you and took your hands, pulling you up out of the seat. you opened your eyes and saw him sitting on the edge of your bed. he pulled you closer towards him, making you stand in between his legs.

steve wrapped his arms around your waist and looked up at you. you smiled down at him as your hands made their way up to his hair and began playing around with it. he placed his forehead on your stomach as he ran his hands up and down your back. you continued to run your hands through his hair, enjoying the peaceful moment. without any warning, steve lay back on your bed, pulling you down with him. you were now laying on top of steve, who was in a fit of laughter. his arms were still wrapped securely round your waist. "steve!" you shrieked, making him laugh even more. he took his arms away from your waist to wipe the tears away from his eyes. you got off of him and sat beside him, crossing your legs. steve mirrored your actions, sitting across from you.

"so, what do you wanna do?" he asked, reaching over and taking your hands. you shrugged. "we were supposed to go out." you said. "well, we can't anymore. the rain is bouncing off of the ground out there." steve told you. you pouted and looked over your shoulder, looking out of your window. a thought popped into your head and you quickly jumped up from your bed. "where are you going?" steve asked. "follow me." you said, running down your stairs. steve followed after you. he saw you putting your shoes on at the bottom of the stairwell. "what are you doing? did you not see the rain?" he said. you rolled your eyes. "it's only rain, steve, it won't kill you." you replied. you reached your hand out towards him. he looked at your hand then looked at you. "i am not going out in the rain, it'll ruin my hair." he told you. you rolled your eyes again and grabbed his hand, pulling him down the stairs. you quickly opened the door and practically ran outside, dragging a resistant steve behind you.

the rain was quite heavy but you didn't mind. steve begged to differ though. he was standing with his arms crossed and his eyes squinting as you danced in the rain. he couldn't help but smile at the sight. you walked over to him and held out your hands to him. "come onnn." you whined. "stop being so boring." steve's eyes widened in shock. "i'm boring because i don't wanna dance like a psycho in the rain?" he asked. you looked at him, furrowing your eyebrows. "yes. yes you are. now, come and dance with me in the rain or i'll drown you in the puddle." you joked. he laughed before reluctantly taking your hands. you smiled and dragged him onto the road. luckily, nobody drove late at night, especially when the rain was so bad. steve twirled you around. he pulled you closer towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his forehead against yours. you wrapped your arms around his neck. he leaned forward and kissed you. for a minute, everything seemed to melt away. it didn't feel like you were standing in the cold pouring rain, you just felt warm. his grip on your waist tightened as he kissed you.

you both pulled back a little breathless. steve leaned forward and gave you a quick peck on the lips. "i love you so much but can we go inside now? i am so cold." he said. you laughed and nodded, grabbing his hand and running back inside with him, you both stood at the door when you got inside, the water dripping from your hair and clothes. "we'll just get dry, put on some warm clothes, lay in bed and watch some cheesy rom-coms for the rest of the night." you said. "seriously? rom-coms?" steve asked. you shook your head, knowing he secretly loved them. "yes, rom-coms." you replied before running up the stairs to get changed out of your wet clothes.

once you got changed, you made your way to the kitchen. you decided to make some hot chocolate because who doesn't love hot chocolate. you had just finished making them when steve walked into the kitchen, drying his hair with a towel. "what's that?" he asked. "hot chocolate." you replied. he looked at you weirdly. "you made hot chocolate... without cream and marshmallows?" he sounded disgusted. "yeah? we're not seven anymore. we don't need cream and marshmallows.." you told him. he scoffed. "uh, you might not need them but i do. that's literally the only way to drink hot chocolate." he argued. you laughed. "fine, fine. i'll add some cream and marshmallows." you said. you handed him the hot chocolate, now complete with cream and marshmallows. "thank you." steve smiled at you. you picked up your own mug, which steve forced you to also put cream and marshmallows on, and walked into the living room.

you sat your mug down on the coffee table before walking over to your tv and picking out a vhs tape. you placed it into the tape player and walked back to the couch, where steve was now sitting with his arm over the back of the couch. you sat beside him as you picked up your hot chocolate. you lay your head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. he sat his mug down before grabbing a blanket that was lying beside the couch and throwing it over your laps. he picked up his mug again and leaned over and kissed the top of your head before turning all of his attention to the tv.

1556 words

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