| drunk |

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you were sitting on your bed, flipping through a book while some music played in the background. it was nice and peaceful. you could feel yourself slowly drift off to sleep. you jolted up when you heard your phone ring beside you. you sat your book down and picked up the receiver, holding it to your ear. "hello?" you said into the phone. "heyyy babyyy." you heard a voice say. "steve? why are you calling me so late?" you asked. there was no response. "hello? steve?" you asked again. you heard rustling and mumbling on the other line. "hello? y/n?" you heard dustin panting through the phone. "dustin? what the hell is going on?" you were losing your patience now. "steve's drunk and he obviously can't drive himself home so can you come and get him?" he asked you, sounding desperate. "dustin, do you know what time it is?" "yeah, i kn-." "it's almost one in the morning and you expect me to come and get steve while he's drunk?" "...yes" you groaned. "where is he?" "just come to town square." "i'll be there soon." you put the phone down and grabbed your car keys, running out of the house.

you drove around for a while before you reached town square. you parked your car and walked around, trying to find dustin and steve. you found them a few minutes later, dustin practically holding up steve. dustin looked over when he heard footsteps. he sighed in relief when he realised it was you. you ran up to them. "take him." dustin said, pushing steve away from him. you wrapped his arm around your shoulder to keep him up. "why are you out here so late? how did you call me?" you asked dustin. "i was getting something from the store and i begged to use the phone and that creepy looking diner over there." "what did you need out of a store at one in the morning? and what store is open at one in the morning?" dustin huffed. "what's with the interrogation? just take drunk steve home. i have to go before my mom kills me." dustin said before making a quick exit.

"okay, let's go steve." you said, trying to walk away with him. steve stood his ground and didn't move, unwrapping his arm from your shoulder. "what are you doing? you're choosing the least convenient time to be stubborn, steve." you complained, trying to grab his arm. "hey, don't touch me, i-i have a girlfriend lady." he slurred, pointing his finger at you. you looked at him, confusion all over your face. "what are you talking about?" you asked him. he stumbled backwards and outstretched his arm. "i-i'm sure you're great and all but... but i am in a relationship." he stated. you shook your head and tried to grab his hand but he kept pulling it away. "steve, give me your hand." you sighed. "no." he crossed his arms like a child. you were running out of ideas. you waved your hands around. "steve, i'm your girlfriend, you can take my hand." you explained. he squinted his eyes and looked at you before gasping. "holy shit! sweetheart, someone was trying to take me away like two seconds ago." he told you before practically running towards you and grabbing your hand. "wow, that's crazy, i can't believe it." you laughed as you helped him towards your car.

once you reached your car, you helped him get in and closed the door after him. you got into the driver side and rolled down the passenger window, letting the cool air hit steve's face. you started driving and he reached over and took one of your hands before leaning his head out of the window. you decided to drive him back to your own house. you knew his parents were home and you also knew they weren't that nice to him, especially if he comes home drunk at one in the morning. plus, your house was closer. it wasn't long until you reached your house. you walked out and went back over to the passenger side, helping steve out so he didn't fall flat on his face. you helped him as he staggered over to your front door.

steve held himself up on the wall as you unlocked the door. you took his hand again and lead him inside. he let go of your hand and slowly made his way up to your room. you locked the door and followed up after him. he sat on the edge of your bed as you searched through your closet, looking for some clothes you had 'borrowed' from steve so he could get changed. "here, change into these." you told him, handing him. you turned your back for a second to close your closet and as soon you turned back, a now shirtless steve stood in front of you. he fumbled with the t-shirt you gave him. "i meant in the bathroom, steve." you said. "you never told me that." he replied. "just go." you said, pointing to your bedroom door. he groaned and walked to the bathroom. you picked up the shirt he just took off and folded it, placing it in the corner of your room. steve walked back into your room a few seconds later, placing his jeans on top of his folded shirt. you lifted the cover on your bed and slid under, leaving it folded upwards for steve to climb in. you moved over and steve got in beside you.

he rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. you wrapped your arm around his back and brought your free hand up to his hair, running your fingers through it. you leaned down and kissed his head gently. even though it was dark in your room, you could see him smile faintly. it wasn't long until you heard a few light snores coming from your boyfriend. you continued to run your fingers through his hair before you felt your eyes getting heavy and drifting off to sleep yourself.

1025 words

steve harrington | imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz