| the morning after |

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you rubbed your eyes as you slowly blinked awake. you looked over beside you and saw your sleeping boyfriend laying on his stomach, an arm slung over the pillow as his hair was sprawled all over the pillow. you looked around his room and saw your discarded clothes on the other side of the room. you grabbed a blanket and tied it around yourself. you got out of the bed and dug around in steve's closet before grabbing a top and some bottoms and walked to the bathroom to change, kicking your clothes from the previous night to the side as you walked out of his room. once you were changed, you looked at yourself in the mirror of the bathroom and turned on the tap, letting cold water pour out before splashing it in your face to wake yourself up. you dried your face with a towel and opened the bathroom door, throwing the blanket back into steve's bedroom before walking downstairs into his kitchen.

luckily for you, his parents weren't home, they never were. you opened his fridge and looked around for something to eat. you grabbed an egg, milk and butter. you placed the ingredients in front of you before looking through the cabinets for some sugar and flour. once you found them, you grabbed a bowl and the rest of the stuff you needed. after you had everything you began to make some pancakes, remembering a recipe your mother once taught you. as you finished making the batter and the frying pan was on the stove, you slowly poured the batter in the middle, making a circle in the pan. just as you set the bowl with more batter in it down, a pair of arms snaked around your waist. steve rested his chin on your shoulder. "i woke up and you weren't beside me." he stated. "oh, i couldn't wake sleeping beauty." you joked. he chuckled and leaned his head up to kiss your cheek before setting his chin back on your shoulder. "what're you making?" he asked. "pancakes." you replied. "ooh, making me some too?" he asked, hopeful. "oh, of course i am, harrington." you said. you picked up the spatula and flipped the pancake over onto the other side, waiting for it to cook. once it was cooked, you placed it onto a plate that was sat on the counter. you turned and saw a shirtless steve stand in front of you. he leaned forward and kissed you. "how long until the pancakes are ready?" he asked. "few more minutes." you said.

once you made a decent amount of pancakes, you had enough batter to make one more. "please, please, please, let me flip it." steve begged. you sighed. "if you drop it, you're cleaning it off of the floor, got it?" you said. he nodded quickly before taking the pan off of the stove and shook it side to side before moving it back and forth, flipping the pancake into the air and catching it perfectly in the pan. "holy shit! i did it! y/n! i did it!" he exclaimed. you laughed at his excitement. he placed the pan back onto the stove before walking over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind once again. "i forgot to tell you, you look incredibly hot in my clothes." he said before kissing your neck. "steve." you said, pushing him slightly. "what?" you turned to look at him. "didn't you get enough last night?" you asked. "enough of you? never." he smirked at you you rolled your eyes playfully before turning back to the two plates on the counter. "breakfasts ready." you said, kissing his cheek as you walked passed him.

you placed the plates down on the table before walking back into the kitchen and getting everything you could put on your pancakes. steve was already digging into his breakfast when you walked back. you placed everything on the table before sitting across from steve at the table. you both ate and spoke to each other until you were both finished. you walked over and took the empty plates from the table and sat them in the sink. you also cleared away everything that was on the table before cleaning the table. steve had helped you tidy. after everything was clean, you planned on watching the tv for a little while but your train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door. you looked over at steve. "you're not expecting anyone, are you?" you asked him. he shook his head. "not another girlfriend your hiding from me?" you joked. "damn, i thought i told her not to come over until later." he joked, checking an imaginary watch on his wrist. you slapped his chest before he walked over to the door. "you can't answer the door without a shirt on, steve." you told him. "shit." he said, running up to his room. the knocks became louder and louder. "jesus, whoever this is, they are not patient." steve said as he threw on a random shirt he got from his closet.

steve opened the door. you heard him talking about a package but you weren't really listening into his conversation. once you heard the door close again, you looked over at him, noticing a square shaped package in his hands. "what's that, steve?" you asked. he held it out towards you. "open it." he told you. you looked at him before taking the package and carefully opening it. you slid out the contents of the package. your face lit up when you realised that it was a vinyl you had told steve you wanted weeks ago. "as soon as you told me about it, i knew that i had to get it for you." he said as you looked at the vinyl. you sat it on the table before wrapping your arms around steve. "thank you." you said as he hugged you back. "anything for my girl." you smiled at the nickname. you pulled away and picked up the vinyl once again. "i seriously can't believe you got it. i couldn't find it anywhere!" you exclaimed. steve smiled when he saw how excited you were. you ran over the record player. "can i-?" you asked, gesturing to the record player. "of course." steve said. you carefully took out the record and placed it in the record player. you waited for it to start playing and you smiled when it did.

once the music started you danced around the living room. steve laughed as he watched. you walked over to him and dragged him over with you. "what're you doing?" he asked. "you're dancing with me." you told him. "i just woke up." he tried to make up an excuse. "and so did i. it's only us in here." you said as you danced to the music. you both danced along to the music until it came to an end. the next song was a slow one. this made steve grab your hand and pull you towards him. he wrapped his arms around your back and you wrapped yours around his neck. steve pulled you closer towards him as you both swayed side to side. you rested your forehead against steve's and closed your eyes. he smiled before placing his lips onto yours, kissing you gently. once you pulled away, you smiled at him. "i love you." you said. he smiled at you. "is this because i bought you the record?" he joked. you rolled your eyes and he laughed. "i'm joking. i love you too." he said, kissing your head as the music continued playing.

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steve harrington | imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now