| hospital visit |

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due to steve's injuries when he was attacked by the demobats, he's had to stay in the hospital ever since he returned from the upside down. he hates it. being hooked up to multiple different machines and being stuck inside a hospital room wasn't the best way to spend his time. the only thing that made him feel better was when you would come and visit him.

you walked into the hospital and walked up the front desk. the receptionist looked up at you. "i'm here to visit steve harrington." you told her. she looked at the old computer in front of her before tapping on a few keys on the keyboard. "room 32." she said, smiling at you. you smiled back and walked through the double doors, your eyes scanning over each door, looking for 32. when you finally found it, you looked through the little window on the door and saw steve sitting up in the hospital bed whilst flicking through tv channels absentmindedly.

you slowly pushed the door open. steve looked over and his face lit up when he saw you. "y/n! holy shit, i missed you so much." he said as you walked over to the side of his bed. "i missed you too steve." you laughed as you leaned down to kiss him quickly. he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you as you sat beside him. "what?" you asked him. "what was that? i've been in a hospital and that's the kiss you give me?" he said, sounding offended. "steve, you're covered in bat bites." you told him. "screw the bat bites." he said, cupping your cheeks and leaning towards you. his lips met yours in a desperate kiss. he hadn't seen you in a while and every time you did visit him, he was either sleeping or he was either in too much pain for you to be so close to him. you kissed him back. you started to pull back but steve moved his hand from your cheek to your neck and pulled you back in, deepening the kiss. you could hear the beeps from the heart monitor slowly speed up. this is when you pulled away.

"can't have you dying on me, harrington." you joked, a little breathless after the kiss. he chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. he threw his head back against the pillow behind him and groaned. "what's wrong?" you asked him. "i'm tired of laying in this stupid bed." he complained. "it's only for a few more days, steve. i'm sure your injuries have scarred over now and you'll be out of here before you know it." he looked at you. "that's what robin said the first day i was here, i've been in here for a week." he said. "and i've got all these bullshit machines attached to me. i'm not sick! i got bit by a few bats, it's not a big deal." "steve, you could barley walk in the upside down. you were almost choked to death." you said, shaking your head. "yeah, barley and almost, which meant i could walk a little and i didn't die which means, i'm fine." he raised his eyebrows at you as if he made an amazing discovery. you just looked at him and shook your head disapprovingly.

he sighed and looked down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers. "i just want to go home." he mumbled. "i know and you'll be home soon, i promise, okay?" you reached over and took his hand, squeezing it slightly. he looked at you and smiled slightly, nodding. "okay. how's dustin by the way, heard he broke his leg?" steve asked. you knew he was concerned about him. "oh, he's fine. just limping around everywhere with his crutches." you said. he nodded. "and max and eddie? i heard they were both in comas." he said (just pretend eddie isn't dead). you sighed. "yeah, they are. but doctors are hopeful for eddie." you tried to sound cheerful. "and max?" "she's... she's going to get better. lucas is with her everyday and so is eleven. try not to worry too much, steve. concentrate on how you're getting out soon." you tried to cheer him up. steve smiled sadly.

"i should've been there for max." he whispered. "steve." "no, i should've. if i stayed with her and lucas, i could've helped her. she would've been fine." he explained. "steve, you cannot blame yourself. nobody could've predicted what happened to max or eddie or anybody. none of it is your fault, okay?" you said, looking at him. "yeah, okay," he sighed. "i know i complain about being the babysitter but i do care about those little shitheads." he told you. you smiled and squeezed his hand. "i know you do, steve, and they know it too." he smiled at you before wrapping his arms around you, squeezing you against him tightly. you smiled and hugged him, rubbing his back as you did so. he sat back and kept ahold of your hand.

steve looked around his hospital room. "i just... i really can't wait to get home. my own bed, my own room. it honestly sounds like paradise right now. i'll probably just like, sleep for a whole week." he said. you laughed. "and forget about me for a week?" you asked. he looked at you. "i could never forget about you for a week." he smiled. you smiled back. "so, catch me up, has anything big happened with everyone else since i've been trapped in here?" he asked. you moved the chair you were sitting in closer towards his bed and began to fill him in on everything that had happened.

you stayed until visiting hours were finished. you picked up your bag and stood up. steve's grip on your hand became tighter. "steve, i need to go. visiting hours are up." you explained, trying to break free from his grasp. "i don't want you to leave." he admitted. "i don't wanna leave either but i have to." you moved his hair away from his forehead and kissed it gently. you placed your forehead on his and placed your hand on his cheek, stroking it with your thumb. "i'll visit you first thing tomorrow, i promise." you told him. he nodded. "okay." you stood up. he placed a kiss on the back of your hand before letting go. you walked over to the door before turning back and looked at steve. "i love you." you said. he smiled widely. "i love you too." you waved and left his room, making your way out of the hospital.

1106 words

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