| argument |

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"i'm just saying, you're always with him." steve stated. you laughed, thinking he was joking. steve looked at you with a serious expression on his face. you stopped laughing. "you're being serious?" you asked. "yeah, why wouldn't i be serious?" steve said. you were confused. "what's so bad about me hanging out with a friend?" steve ran a hand through his hair. "i'm not saying that. i don't think he knows you're just friends." he told you. you scoffed. "i can't believe you." you said. "what?" he asked. "we've been friends for years, steve. you can't tell me i'm not allowed to be around my friends." you snapped. "woah, i didn't say that. don't put words in my mouth, y/n." he said sternly. "you have no right to come into my house and practically accuse me of flirting with someone behind your back, steve!" you yelled. "well, can you blame me?" he yelled back. "what're you talking about?!" "oh, come on, how close you two are. the way he always finds excuses touch you. i'm
not stupid, y/n." steve said. you looked at him with wide eyes and your mouth agape. you didn't know how to respond. "get the hell out of my house." you said, pointing towards your door. steve looked at you and scoffed. he shook his head and walked out. you slammed your bedroom door after the left.

steve walked out of your house and got into his car. he placed his head into his hands and groaned. he started up his car and drove. he didn't drive home though, he was going to but the argument just replayed over and over in his head. he knew you would never cheat or flirt with someone else but he was just feeling a little insecure and took it out on you. the car sped up as he thought about the argument. he quickly changed his route to his house and was now heading towards town square. when he reached the town square, he drove around before he found a specific shop, parking outside and walking in.

you sat in your bedroom, also replaying the argument in your head. how dare he accuse you of flirting with someone else. you wanted to be mad at him but you just couldn't. you felt bad. steve had told you about nancy and what she said to him
and you knew that meant he gets insecure and jealous quite easily, even if he trusts you. instead of kicking him out, you knew you should've spoke to him about it. now, you thought he was probably sitting in his house, mad at you. you walked over to your phone and dialled steve's number, holding the receiver to your ear as it rang. nobody answered. you called again and just like the first time, nobody answered. you placed the receiver down and sat back on your bed.

you placed your hands on your face. a few knocks came from your door downstairs. you refused to move, hoping whoever it was would go away but they didn't. instead, the knocks got louder and louder. you groaned and walked towards your door. you pulled it open and opened your mouth to say something but stopped when you saw a bouquet of flowers in front of you. the flowers were moved to the side and you saw steve, looking at you with a sad but sweet smile on his face. "hey." he said. "hi." you said back, leaning on the door. "can i come in?" he asked. you nodded  and opened the door wider, welcoming him into the house. he slowly walked in and you closed the door. you turned to face him and you crossed your arms. he sighed and looked at the flowers before holding them out to you. you took them and admired them. "thank you." you muttered as you looked at them.

"can we talk?" he asked. you felt your heart drop at the questions, your mind instantly went to the worst case scenario, break up. you hesitantly nodded. "yeah, i'm going to put these in some water. just sit in the living room." you told him as you walked into the kitchen. you filled a vase with water and placed the flowers in them. once they were in the vase, you walked into the living room, sitting next to steve on the couch but leaving a large amount of room between you two. steve looked at the gap between you two, his heart breaking a little when he realised you chose to sit so far away from him. he looked down at his hands. none of you spoke for a few minutes. "look, steve-" you began. "i'm sorry." he cut you off, still looking down at his hands. you were taken aback. you didn't think he was going to apologise. "what?" you asked. "i'm sorry." he repeated. "i shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." he added, finally looking at you.

"i know you wouldn't flirt with someone else. i don't know why i accused you. it's just... i just thought back to that night with nancy. i mean, i thought everything was fine between us and the next think i knew, she told me she didn't love me. i'm just sorry." he rambled. you sighed. "steve, i am not nancy wheeler." you told him. he nodded. "i'm not going to tell you i don't love you. you know i do. next time, talk to me when you feel like this, don't accuse me of things." you added. he nodded again. "i'm sorry for kicking you out." you said. steve shook his head. "i kinda deserved it." he said. you laughed a little. "yeah, you kinda did." you joked. steve laughed too. "so, we're okay?" you asked. "yeah, we're okay." he said. you smiled and leaned over to him, wrapping your arms around him. he smiled and hugged you back. you leaned your and back slightly before kissing him. steve smiled into the kiss, his arms still wrapped around you.

when you pulled away you saw steve looking at you with adoration. you sighed in relief as he held you closer to him. "i thought you were going to break up with me." you admitted. steve pulled away and looked at you. "what?" he asked. "i'm being serious! i called you twice earlier and you didn't answer!" you replied. "i was getting you the flowers!" he said. "the flowers. they're gorgeous, i love them." you said, kissing him quickly before jumping up towards the kitchen. you grabbed the vase and walked back into the living room, sitting them on the coffee table. steve placed his hands on your waist and pulled you into his lap, sitting his chin on your shoulder. he kissed your cheek. "what're you doing?" you asked him. "you were sitting far from me on the couch, i'm making up for it." he said as he kissed your neck. you laughed. "you are such a child, steve harrington." you joked. "but you love me." he said. "that i do." you told him. "that i do." you repeated, turning around and kissing him.

1193 words

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