| trouble |

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you had just gotten a phone call from hawkins police department, telling you that your boyfriend, steve harrington, needed someone to collect him. his parents were out of town and you were the next person who could collect him, you sighed and grabbed your car keys, leaving your house and enter your car. it wasn't the first time you've had to collect steve from the police department. your grip on the steering wheel got tighter as you sped up. when you reached the police department, you parked outside and quickly got out of the car, playing with your car keys in your hands. you walked past chief jim hopper as he threw his cigarette on the ground and stamped on it. "you here for steve again, kid?" he asked you. you sighed and nodded. "alright, follow me." he said, walking into the station as you followed behind him.

"chief, joyce byers is on the line for you." you heard flo say as she sat at her desk. "just a second, flo." hopper said as he led you into another room. you saw steve sitting in a chair, one of his hands were handcuffed to the chair and the other one held an icepack on his forehead as he stared straight ahead. you looked behind steve and saw a bloody faced tommy glaring into the back of steves head and carol, who was sitting beside him, looked at you before whispering something to tommy. sitting in front of them was officer callahan with his head on the desk, most likely sleeping. hopper walked over to him to remove the handcuffs but steve still just stared ahead. he looked up when he saw you coming towards him. "you're free to go." hopper said, removing the handcuffs and taking the icepack away from steve. steve stood up and rubbed his wrist where the handcuffs had been. "thanks, hop." he said, standing up. hopper walked away, slamming his hand on callahan's desk before heading over to tommy and carol.

you shook your head and sighed before making your way out of the station, steve following silently behind you, his head hung low. you unlocked your car and got in, waiting for steve to climb in the passengers side. when he did, you sat in silence for a minute, steve looking at his bruised knuckles, outstretching his fingers and making a fist continuously. you started driving back to your house. the entire ride home was silent, neither of you made a single sound. as soon as you stopped the car, you jumped out and made your way to the front door, steve waiting a minute before following you into your house. you walked into the living room and stood in the middle of the room, waiting for steve to walk in. once he did, he just stood in front of you, never making eye contact with you once. you looked at him even though he continued to look away.

"so, are you going to tell me what happened or are we going to stand here in silence?" you asked, making steve jump a little. "it was nothing. it doesn't matter." he muttered, still refusing to make eye contact. you threw your head back."it never fucking matters." you scoffed. steve turned to look at you. "what?" he asked. "every time i have to come and pick you up from the police station you never tell me what happened. it's always the same bullshit reply. i just don't understand why you always have to have useless fights, steve!" you snapped. "it wasn't a useless fight." he replied. "well then what happened?" "nothing." you scoffed again. "it obviously wasn't nothing if you and tommy are sitting in the police station with your faces all bloody and bruised!" you yelled. "fine! you want to know?" he asked, finally looking at you. "yes!" you waited for his reply. he sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "tommy h and carol were talking shit about you." he confessed. you crossed your arms and looked at him. "what?" you asked. "yeah, they were just being assholes. just talking shit, spreading rumours, you get it. i overheard tommy earlier and got mad. i punched him. then it turned into a full on fight." he admitted, looking down once again.. "steve..." you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper.

he looked up at you slightly. you walked towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. he instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. "you don't have to get into fights for me." you whispered. "i know. but i wasn't letting him get away with all the shit he was saying." he told you. "well, i think he got the message." you laughed. steve smiled. "but i am sorry. i know you don't want to keep having to come to the police department to collect me." he apologised. "i don't like you getting into trouble with the police, steve, but no matter how many times you do get in trouble with police, you know i will always make sure you're okay." he smiled again. "i know. and hey, i actually won the fight this time." he joked. you laughed and stepped away from him. "i'm glad. took you long enough." you said, playfully punching his shoulder. he laughed. "i don't think tommy h and carol like you very much now." you said. steve shrugged. "i don't care. i stopped being friends with those assholes years ago." he said.

you took his hand and sat on the couch with him, taking a close look at his wounds. "jesus, tommy's face looked way worse than yours." you told him. "told you i won the fight." you rolled your eyes and chuckled. "wait until you tell dustin that you won a fight." "that little shithead wouldn't believe me." he said. steve leaned back and stretched out his arm, inviting you to lay beside him. you did lay beside him and placed your head on his chest. he played with your hair as you lay beside him. "so..." you began. "so?" steve questioned. "what sort of things were tommy and carol saying about me?" you asked, looking up at him. he simply shook his head. "what?" you said. "i don't want to repeat it. the most important thing is that it's over now." he said, leaning down and kissing your head. "and if tommy ever says anything about you again, i'll beat his ass just like i did today." he said. "and what about carol?" steve looked at you. "you could definitely take her." he said, making you laugh. "really?" "yes. definitely. one million percent." he insisted. you smiled and wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. he smiled and continued playing with your hair, giving you tips on how to beat up carol if she ever said anything about you.

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