| steve harrington headcanons ~ pt. 2 |

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- will pass notes to you in class. doesn't matter what the class is or how far away he is, steve will find a way for the note to make its way to you.

- after all the fights he's had, he's hard of hearing. it frustrates him and he sometimes gets insecure about it but you reassure him that there's nothing wrong with it.

- if you can play an instrument, he'll always encourage you to play it in front of him. when you do, he's cheers you on the entire time.

- he's your own personal cheerleader. literally every little thing, steve is complimenting you and cheering you on. if you're in a fight, he will shout tactics at you (even though he's never won a fight) and he'll cheer you on if you're fighting a demogorgan.

- late night calls. especially after visits to the upside down. steve will call you to make sure you're okay and because hearing you talk soothes him and makes him forget about whatever has happened.

- does not go out when it's raining. he'll go out with an umbrella but that's it. he absolutely hates the rain because it ruins his hair.

- talking about his hair, you had to buy all his hair products to keep at your house. faberge organics and farah fawcett hairspray. you always watch him do his hair and it honestly looks like a lot of work.

- when he worked at scoops, you always got free ice cream. even if you didn't go to scoops, he would bring some ice cream home for you.

- and when he works at family video, he always brings home movies for you both to watch.

- when you guys go shopping, he'll carry all the bags. it doesn't matter how much bags you have, he'll carry them all.

- he would look after you when you're sick. makes sure you take medicine and eat and drink enough.

- sometimes he prefers just to stay inside with you instead of going out.

- if you're mad at him and you're yelling at him, he'll shut you up by kissing you. you don't even need to be mad at him for him to do this, he'll do it randomly to fluster you.

- cuddling in your bed after he finishes his shift at family video has become an everyday thing now.

- he might be good with dustin and the others but babies terrify this man. he doesn't know what to do when they're crying and he starts panicking.

- gives you flowers on random days. he prefers to do this because giving flowers to you on valentine's day/your birthday is just basic and predictable.

- loves to go on late night drives with no destination. he likes to get away from his parents as much as possible so, he'll call you in the middle of the night and ask if you want to go a drive with him.

- has a drawer filled with your stuff in his room. he also cleared a space in his closet and bought you some clothes so you had some stuff to put on when you stay over.

- has a fear of swimming in lakes after he got dragged under at lovers lake. he'll never swim in a lake again and he always tells you to be careful if you decide to swim.

- after max got attacked by vecna, he made sure he had a list of all your favourite songs and bought them as soon as he could. he keeps all the cassettes in a box labelled 'just in case'.

- robin has to keep him away from the phone in family video because all he does is call you throughout his shift which means he leaves robin to assist all the customers by herself.

- teaches you how to play basketball. he'll either teach you in his backyard or take you to an empty basketball park and teach you.

- gets frequent nightmares about the upside down and when he was captured by the the russians. this means he will wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes crying. he never wakes you up but you usually wake up when you don't feel him beside you. you comfort him and stay awake until he falls back asleep.

- looks after you when you're drunk. he'll hold your hair back when you're sick, carry you to bed, make sure you get changed into comfortable clothing and he'll stay with you all night and make sure you're okay in the morning.

- loves to talk about your future together. usually talks about it when you're both laying in bed or when the group splits up and you go together. he'll talk about where you'll live, how big your house will be and you'll both end up jokingly arguing about his many kids you'll have.

- whenever the group splits up, he always goes with you and it's not up for discussion. he'll already be standing beside you and if he isn't, he'll walk over and take your hand before anyone else can say that they'll go with you.

- so hyper at night. he's definitely the type to do the slide on hardwood floors with socks on thing. he'll always be up at night, midnight snacks, movies, music, etc. he loves night so much.

- if you're out of town, he'll mope around all the time. he'll sigh so loudly at random times. robin wants to punch him every single time you're away because his groaning, sighing and toddler like tantrums are so irritating.

- whenever you go the cinema together, you'll joke around and laugh so loudly that everyone around you will get frustrated. you've both been kicked out before but it's never stopped you.

- if you somehow get split up in the upside down, steve will not stop until he finds you. when he does eventually find you, he'll run up to you and hug you so tightly, only stepping back to admire you and make sure you aren't hurt. he'll whisper in your ear while you hug. "i thought i lost you" "i'm so glad you're okay" "i just love you so much"

- still gets nervous when you go on dates, even though you're dating. he says it's because he just wants to impress you. you find it so adorable.

- loves to do those hugs where he picks you up and spins you around. he loves to hear you laugh.

- if you fall asleep on him or fall asleep on the couch, he'd carry you to bed and make sure you're comfortable and warm before getting in beside you and holding you close to his chest.

- when you go over to his house when his parents away, nine times out of ten he's in the back garden playing basketball shirtless.

- always finds a way to bring you up. if robin is talking about something to him at work, he'll bring you up even if you have nothing do with it. "that reminds me of something y/n told me." "yeah, sounds awesome. it sounds like something y/n would love."

- remembers things you tell him. if you told him about a vinyl you liked, he would remember and buy it for you.

1997 words

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