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"My parents are fighting again. Can I stay here for a while?" Gradient asked, poking his head in through the portal he'd opened. "I asked PJ if he wanted to come but he said no, so it's just me."

"I mean, if Dad wasn't okay with you being here, he'd probably have kicked you out by now," Crescent replied, glancing over from where he lay on the bed. "I doubt he'd be distracted enough not to notice you here."

"Why? What's he doing?" he asked, sitting next to him on the bed.

"Mom got injured in a fight," he answered. "He broke his arm and then he got thrown or something. I don't know."

"That does not sound fun."

"No, it does not," he agreed. "Anyway, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know," he said with a frustrated sigh. "Everywhere I go, people are fighting. I'm tired of it all! Is it too much to ask for some peace? Why the hell does the multiverse need to have a new war every two damn seconds?" Crescent blinked.

"I... don't know how to help you?" he said, though it sounded more like a question. "I've never had so much energy and yet none at the same time."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"More negativity means more power... But I want to sleep and not wake up because it feels like it's pressing onto my soul and I can't tell what's mine and what's not."

"Oh," he said softly. "I didn't know that could happen."

"I didn't either," he said. "Now I'm feeling everyone's depression and anxiety like it's mine and when I brought it up with my dad, he got confused."

"You're handling it very well," Gradient said softly.

"That's because Dad yelled at me for complaining about there being so much negativity when it's good for me," he said. "Don't wanna upset him again, so I'll just pretend everything is fine. I'm good at doing that."

"What do you mean?"

Crescent tugged him down to lay next to him and wrapped his tendrils around the other.

"You're always so warm," he mumbled instead. "It feels nice."

Crescent had an issue with talking about his problems because he was worried about how people would react to them. Sometimes, he let little things slip if they really bothered him.

Gradient knew better than to push him for any more details. He was worried though, and Crescent probably knew it.

"I... I'm glad I can help you this way," he said softly. "It's... only fair since you always help me as well."

"You helped me first."

"No, I'm pretty sure you helped me first."

Normally, Crescent would have risen to the bait and they both would have playfully argued with each other about who set the events in motion that led to them getting together.

"If you say so," Crescent mumbled instead. Normally he wasn't being emotionally pressured by his own power source either.

He probably felt awful and while Gradient wanted to tell him to stop repressing his emotions, Crescent probably wouldn't listen to him anyway. So that meant he'd have to distract him. At least for a little while.

"When this is over," Gradient started, "let's go find a place to live together. Just the two of us."

"I don't think Dad would like that..."

"Don't worry about your dad," he said. "Think about yourself. I want you to be happy."

"Okay..." he said softly. "I... I would like to live together... with you. It sounds fun."

"That's because it probably will be," he said. "Think of all the things we could do without having to worry about the consequences of our actions."

"Can't wait," he said, pressing his face into Gradient's shirt. "I'm gonna take a nap now."

"Alright," he replied. "You... you could probably use the sleep anyway."

"I know," he mumbled. "Wake me up if you get bored."

"I probably won't," he said. Crescent hummed softly, seemingly done with the conversation and quickly dozed off.

Gradient gave a soft sigh. Even if things were pretty bleak in the multiverse, he didn't feel too bad. Being around Crescent always cheered him up and he was sure the other felt the same way about him. It was nice.

Crescent x Gradient OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now