Chapter 10: Bite and Poke

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The morning was always a peaceful time of the day in school. Things usually hype up in the afternoon.

But, as I came out of the library after break time, I met with my friends Justin and Cody and we talked. They are my childhood friends, but we're in different sections in high school.

Chris came and asked Justin if he could borrow me for a second. I am not a thing! "Sure, you can have her." Justin replied nonchalantly. What?!

Chris then smirked at Justin's reply and suddenly grabbed me and pushed me to the wall! "Hey there Jade!"

"Can you talk to me without putting me in this situation?"

He just laughed at my response. I'm serious here dang it!

"You can bite her too! Cause she's an animal!" Justin recommended.

"WHO'S AN ANIMAL??!!!" I spat at my own so called childhood friend.

Justin just laughed at me struggling! Stupid Justin!

Cody just stared at me and Chris silently.

"Well, thanks for the notice!" replied Chris, and he then bit my shoulder!

"OW!" I try to push him away, but as he comes closer, he aims for my face. He's attempting to kiss me again!

So, I quickly and forcibly push him away and run towards the classroom.

I never want to experience that ever again...

So at lunch time, me and my friends stay by the waiting area, because that's where we usually have our lunch and there aren't much students who stay there.

Oh! I didn't mention that Chris has actually become a close friend now. Yeah, you heard me... He's become a lot closer than before that I consider him a friend rather than a pest. But, being the close 'friends' we are, he still keeps making a move on me.

"Hey! Don't keep hitting on Jade! She's still studying and doesn't want herself to be involved in relationships." voiced out Mae.

"Thanks Mae..."

"And who are you to say that? Her mom?" taunted Chris.

"No. But I am her friend!"

"But I am too!"

I just ignored the two and carried on eating. This time, Chris stopped on flirting with me and continued on with his debate with Mae. Mae started to compare him to Cody, that Cody is more of a gentleman compared to him.

Feeling irritated of what Mae had told him, he sat away from me and then flirted with my other girl friends. He hugged Tess and Mae, and when he hugged Sam, she hugged him back.

Well, of course! She loves him after all...

When the bell rang to indicate that lunch time was over, we all went back to the room. Chris went back to annoy me again; this time, making scary rapist faces at me...

While waiting for the teacher; me, Faye, Sam, and Chris sit in a circle and talk about random stuff, then Chris starts pulling at my skirt, "What the balls?! Chris are you retarded?"

"No, I'm just playing..." he wiggled his eyebrows.

As he did it to Faye, it was a bad idea. Faye got mad and started to do painful things to Chris. It all happened at once, I thought Faye was scary! She punched him, slapped him, bit him, and pulls on his hair. I think I'm the one who's in pain from watching her do those things to him.

As Faye pulled on Chris' hair making him go back and forth, Chris raised his head, and guess what? They kissed! She immediately ran to the comfort room, dragging me along.

After that drama, Faye decided to stay far away from us. So, I decided to go and study with Tess since we would have a moving exam in Science.

The gang sat near us. This time, Isaac came near and made a rapist face. Seriously? Do all the guys I know do this nowadays?

He just came to lie on my lap. Faye just tormented him a lot, giving him a hard time filled with pain for laying his head on my lap. Eventually, he gave up and just sat in front of us.

Suddenly, paper balls started flying everywhere in our area?! When I looked to my left, there were Chris and Sam having a 'War of the Paper Balls'. They kept on throwing the balls, targeting each others face.

I ignored them and continued to study on. A while later, they stopped. I presume they got tired and quit. Then, Chris sat in front of me this time.

I forgot to mention we were sitting on the floor...

He then placed both his hands on the floor, like literally crawling towards me!

I seated in an 'Indian style' where my legs were crossed, and suddenly, Chris swooped his face down to my lower half of my body! I don't want to mention where, but you get it.

I punched him away this time, still he felt nothing, but he then had a smile and gripped on to his heart like he just experienced something so great. "What's up with you?" I asked raising by brow.

He was still smiling and replied, "So fragrant..."

Eeeewwww!!!! You sick-o! You perverted dodo brain!

"It's true though!" he chuckled.

"Pervert!" I spat.

"No. This is being a pervert." he poked the middle of my chest in between my boobs.

I lost my cool and slapped him as hard as I could on the face. "YOU SICK PERVERT!!!!!"

He didn't reply to that, but he sat up on the floor and rubbed his chin like he was about to utter something significant...

"I want to touch a girl's breast." He then opened an eye to look at me then at my boobs.

"SICK-O!" I spat.

"What? I was being honest."

"Honestly perverted!"

"Psh!" he just laughed it off.

Seriously, we're friends, but him being perverted is getting on my nerves.

Can't there be a time when you'll stop this madness?

But, knowing him, I'm thinking no...

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