Chapter 28: Guys

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"Jade! Jade! You didn't loose my key did you?" Chris asked me with a concerned expression.

"Of course I didn't." I pouted.

Chris beamed me a childish smile and pinched my cheek, "Awesome!"

"Ow!" I complained as I rubbed my cheek to soothe the pain. As I saw Chris walk away, somebody tapped me from behind, "I heard your conversation. What key? A key to his heart?" Sam gave off a fake laugh.

"Nah. Just some key he wants me to keep..." I shrugged and she just raised an eyebrow at me. What??? I don't wanna tell you what its for, you might get even more angry.

As I sat down on my seat to grab a book to read, Chris comes and sits beside me as usual. We stare at each other blankly for a few seconds, then I turned away to read my book, completely ignoring his presence. Faye also came to talk to me, but talked to Chris instead. Moments later, I felt someone pulling on the sleeve of my shoulder. As I try to face the person, my eyes widened and my cheeks burned up in shock. Chris was biting my sleeve and looking at me seductively.

I gulped and tried to calm myself down, I try to gather all thoughts, but my mind was just blank. Chris, who was still biting on my sleeve smirked at me and gave me a wink. I think steam blew through my ears. I push him away while stammering to say 'Stop it'.

When Faye finally noticed the situation, she shrieked and scolded Chris harshly. "Stop harassing Jade, Chris!!!"

"And why not?!"

Faye just gave him a 'hmph' and turned to me to try and kiss my cheek. Still flustered, I also try to push her away, but Chris stops her and says that I am only allowed to kiss him and he bit my sleeve again. They then started to go back to quarreling.

I escaped from the both of them, they were just so noisy. Then this time, one of my classmates, Erik, approached me. What's funny was that I heard a rumor that in first year, Erik had a crush on me, but I didn't take it to heart. I mean, c'mmon?! Why would anyone wanna have a crush on me? I'm sooooooo boooooriiiiing.... Hahaha...

"Hey Jade?" he started.

"Yeah Erik?" I closed my book.

"Are you in a relationship?"

I froze at his question and I felt my cheeks heat up a little. Wait! What? WHY?! "No. Why?" Were those rumors true? Hahaha... Nah! I'm just full of myself...

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Hey, I just said I wasn't in a relationship. How could I have a boyfriend if I'm not in a relationship?"

He laughed, "Haha! Oh right! .. But, do you want to be in love?" I think I saw him blush a little?

"Yeah... I guess so?"

"Do you want to be in a relationship?"

"At the moment? Nope..."

"Why not?"

"I'll wait after I find a job after graduating college..."

"What?! That's too far away! C'mmon! It's just to try!"

"No Erik. My heart's not ready." I told him sincerely. But if I could tell the truth, he isn't my type. But, I don't want to hurt his feelings. But what I said WAS true...

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English class. We had an activity to cut out strips of news from newspapers to make columns. It was fun, but also messy. Our teacher then asked me to clean up the mess since nobody else wanted to. Meh, it's alright, I guess...

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