BONUS STORY (part-3)

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It was hard enough for me to catch some sleep after that scenario last night. Somehow, I got Mae and Sam to go eat breakfast in the dining area ahead of me. Sam still looked blue from last night's event with me and Chris in seven minutes in the bathroom.

Then, then memory of last night's kiss fills my thoughts... I then begin to blush intensely as I walk over to Chris' room with all my things in hand.

Towel? Check!

Shampoo, Conditioner, Bath soap? Check!

New set of clothes? Check!

I'll just do everything else back in my room...

I knocked on the door, which was immediately opened for me, where I am greeted by a bowing Chris, "Welcome to my room Milady. The guys are reserving snowboards for all of us, so the coast is clear." I only shot daggers at him with my eyes and he just laughed about it. I then slammed the bathroom door at his face and locked it.

I was nervous the entire time I was bathing, but he kept his word and didn't peek. He then volunteered to help me blow dry my hair. After, he said he was going ahead to eat breakfast so there would be no suspicion and I went to my room to finish up.

Ten minutes later, I joined them and Isaac and Victor followed. "What took you so long Jade?" Mae asked me.

"You know I have difficulty drying my hair. That took me a while..."

"Oh yeah... What about you guys?"

"We reserved boards ahead..." Victor explained.

"The three of you should hurry and eat up! We have an entire day ahead of us..." said Sam.

After eating breakfast, we then got out the boards that the guys have reserved for all of us. We then went to ride the lifts, Chris wanted to ride with me, but I told him that I needed to be with Sam right now, and thankfully, he agreed.

While me and Sam boarded the lift first, I had to speak up first, "Sam? Do you hate me by any chance?"

"Why would I hate you?!" she was shocked to my question.

"Because since last night, you-"

"Please..." she cut me, "I would never come to hate you. Yeah, I am very angry at Chris who gave you that dare and for kissing you on the cheek. But believe me, I would never hate you."

"Really? But you just admitted that you were jealous right?" I asked, trying to ease the tension.

She laughed at me and raised her hands in defeat, "Fine... I admit, I was jealous... He didn't do anything else to you, did he?"

"Nope... Just talking, and that single kiss on the cheek."

She then heaved out a sigh of relief, "Alright... I'll try to get over it..." I giggled at her and we both gave each other a bear hug.

When we got off, we waited for the others to arrive. Sam's aunt was already skiing by herself, maybe waiting for some guy to make a move on her. Sorry, that was rude of me... But hey! She's single and nearing her 30's!

Moments later, the next lift came with Mae and Isaac on it. Isaac was trying to flirt with Mae, and she kept on pushing him away. Me and Sam laughed at the both of them and teased Mae as she got down first. The next lift that came had Chris and Victor on it. Both of them had their arms around their each others shoulders. When they both got down, Chris gave Victor a big hug and said, "Meet my love everyone~!"

Victor was disgusted, so he pushed Chris away hard, "Ew! No way dude!"

Chris then sobbed in the corner, "That was so mean babe!"

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