Chapter 87: Where Are You?!

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[Chris' P.O.V.]

After that phone call I had with Jade, I still couldn't get out of my bed. I was still so depressed, I didn't even care that my knuckles were bleeding from the punch I made earlier. So I just laid on my bed while I faced the wall.

Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door, "Jay? Can I come in?" It was my aunt, but as I didn't have the energy to do anything, I lay still and silent. Because I didn't answer her, she hollered, "I'm coming in, alright?"

I then heard the door open and saw that the light had peeked in from my dark room. A figure then made its way toward me. My aunt held my shoulder to try and make me face her, but she then freaked out, "OH MY GOD!!! Jay! Why are you bleeding?!?!!"

"Leave it." I say blankly.

"Not on my watch!" she then ran out, only to come back minutes later to make me face the other way. She then opened her first aid kit and took out some tissue wipes and grabbed my hands. I then snatched them away from her, saying that I don't want to be bothered at the moment. But, my aunt is scary when she's angry. "No way in hell am I leaving you like this!!! Do you want me to contact your mother and tell her that you're being a sorry excuse of a man right now?!!"

I scoffed at my aunt's words but was still depressed, but as I didn't want this news to reach my mother, I let her. I showed her that I obliged by giving her my hands. She then took the wipes and cleaned out the blood stains on my hands. She then took out some cotton balls and placed some antiseptic solution on it to dab it on my wounds. It stung, but it didn't compare to the pain I was feeling now. Then she took out some bandages and used them to cover my wounds and then fished around for an adhesive roll, to tape around my bandaged hand.

 "You wanna talk about it?" she asked me, but I just shook my head in denial. "Want me to leave you alone?" she asked again, and this time, I nodded once. She gave me an okay and walked to the door, but told me one last time before closing it, "Call me if you need anything, alright?" I nodded once and she left.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's been 23 minutes past three in the morning, and I'm still lying in bed with the same position I had earlier. My stomach grumbled from hunger as I haven't eaten for the whole day yesterday. I had no energy to eat, nor do anything else. I didn't even have breakfast. But I didn't care...

I didn't know what time I fell asleep, but I woke up at three in the morning for some reason? I tried to fall back asleep, but I just couldn't anymore...

Moments later, my phone lit up and vibrated. I was too lazy to pick it up, but since it was laying beside me, I only took a peek out of the screen without touching it.

1 New Message From: Jade

My eyes widened in shock and I immediately grabbed my phone and bolted up to sit properly. I unlocked my phone and went to the inbox to read her message. It read as follows:

"Hey Chris, you're probably still asleep now because of our state's time difference, but, I just want to say something... I've cooled down now, so I would want to say what's on my mind. What happened yesterday was really my decision, I'm sorry if it became a huge problem, I was hurt. But I know I've hurt you too, and I'm very sorry. I don't have the courage to believe in your words yet, because we both know what you are. But, I'll do my best to still keep in touch with you. I would also very much like for us to remain best friends...

Also, I won't communicate too often, because I will be in school and be studying really hard for the rest of the years I have left in college. Or possibly, try to finish as early as possible to start working. Because studying to be a doctor, takes a lot of time and perseverance, so please don't be pushy. I'm glad to hear that you love me, but right now, I really can't accept your confession. One, it's an insult to Stacy. Two, what we experienced that day was devastating. Three, I promised my folks to have a boyfriend after college. And four, I really am devoted to me studying to be a doctor right now, and therefore, no time for anything else...

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