Chapter 16: Caption

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Sigh... A whole week without Chris has passed by and he comes back to school today... This oughtta be swell...

Chris was on a one week suspension because of his phone's memory card having porn videos in it. Yep... All because of me.

I'm quite afraid to know what his anger might lead to though. But last week was quite annoying because of Sam. She kept going on and on and on on how she misses Chris so much and if he's doing alright.

Inside the classroom, I just quietly sat on my chair and started to read a book. When the door opened, the classroom became noisy. I took a quick glance. Great... Chris' back...

I knew Chris was popular, and when he stepped inside the classroom, all our classmates started to swarm him, they welcomed him back, asked him questions, and teased his perverseness.

I didn't mind the entire scenario, to be honest, I was scared he was back. He might be a friend to others, but I'm the one he always harasses...

Then, I was snapped out of my deep thought when someone suddenly poked my neck. I turned to look at the person, and it was none other than Chris. He had such a serious expression as he told me nervously, "Jade, I realized on the days that I wasn't here, I missed you... A-And I can't live without you. You're so special to me!"

I froze for a second. I've never seen this side of him before. But I had to answer somehow, "Oh, be quiet! Are you even for real Chris?!"

"But I-"

"Up-pup-pup! I don't even wanna hear it." I cut him so he couldn't finish that sentence.

I just forced myself not to listen. I am very weak when it comes to people with those kinds of expressions an those kinds of honest words. I didn't really know if he was lying or telling the truth, but I forced myself to not pay attention. Chris was the devil, and I didn't want to be sucked into his den and become his prey. I might not make it out alive.

When classes have started, Chris sits next to Laurence and tries to get my attention. Of course, being the type of girl I am, I ignore him. When he got quiet, I saw him whispering to Laurence.

Laurence tapped me and told me, "Hey Jade? Chris wants me to pass you a message." I rolled my eyes and decided to listen, "He says you're beautiful and he sends you his best regards and he asks if you are okay?" Laurence was laughing the entire time though.

I sighed and replied bluntly, "I'm okay."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At break time today, Chris came near again and held my shoulders, "C'mmon Jade, your parents aren't here."

"How many times do I have to reject you?"

"Until you finally say yes." he smirked.

I walked away from him, not wanting to see him. I sat by the window and he sits in front of me. I just stared outside looking at the birds in the trees. It didn't take long when Chris would finally speak, "Jade, your such an interesting girl." I just ignored him, but he didn't hesitate to continue, "You're beautiful, smart, you've got white milky skin, and tall..."

"Don't tell me what I already know. But to correct, I am NOT beautiful!"

I heard him chuckle, "Pft! Whatever!"

Then, I felt him sit closer to me. I just ignored it. But then, Chris blew on my neck! Even though it was only a tiny bit of wind, it managed to make me jump and have goosebumps, I held the place where he blew on and scolded him, "What on earth did ya do that for?!"

"You didn't look at me." he pouted.

I clicked my tongue and looked out the window again.

What happened next made my blood turn cold. Chris placed his hand on my lap and started to rub it.

"YOU SICK-O!!!" I slapped his hand away and stomped away from his presence.

I went to Sam and we both talked. She then squealed out of nowhere and showed me a picture of Chris in her phone. Looks like someone's being a creepy stalker...

And since she likes cats, she decided to call him 'kitty'. She looked very happy. Faye joined in talking with us as well. Since me and Faye would fight over colors at times, I saw her wearing a green scrunchy, "Hey Faye!"

"What is it?"

"I thought you hated green? How come you're wearing a green scrunchy? Isn't purple your favorite?" I laughed.

"I still hate green, but this was a gift!" she whined.

"I could always have it. Green is my favorite color!" I giggled.

"Then we're meant to be, Jade!" Chris declared as he motioned closer to us.

"Huh? Why are we meant to be?" I asked, annoyed.

"Because green's my favorite color as well!" he beamed.

Faye then made an excuse and left us. Sam just remained. Chris then took out his phone and typed somethings on it. What? Porn again?

To my shock, Chris grabbed on my skirt and tried to pull it up, while pointing his phone at it! He was going to take shots under my skirt! I was still wearing shorts. But still!!!

I held my skirt down and bopped his head with my free hand. "Can you stop harassing me sexually?!"

"But you're so interesting Jade!"

I didn't notice, but Sam has gone away as well. I was left to deal with this pervert alone.

Chris then puts his phone away and stares at me. Nervously, I ask, "W-What do you want?"

He smirked.

Never a good sign...

He licked his lips making them completely wet and grabbed me. He tried to force me into kissing him. I struggled to get out of his hold and successfully got away. I then ran. Ran far from him.

Fear. I've never felt such fear before in my life.

This was my wish that was granted, can I take it back?

Can I redo everything?

I don't want to be treated like this anymore...


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~Kurisu-chan ^.^

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