Chapter 67: Dreaming

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Last day of the year, and my dream of Chris was even more than what I expected it to be. I couldn't believe that we could be like that in a dream, but maybe because it was my dream and I wanted it to happen that I dreamt of it. I never wanted to wake up, and stay like that for the time being...

My dream took place, still, at school. Teachers were making me run errands all over the place, and it's weird that students are at school and not wearing uniforms. I see Thomas and Chris again, but this time, I am doing my best to let Chris notice me. Like, I keep on shouting a 'hi' to all of my friends that pass by. I was that desperate.

"Hi Thomas!" I waved at him, which Chris was beside him.

"Hey!" he approached me to pinch my cheek. I peeked over at Chris and was disappointed to see that he had his back turned on me. Then suddenly, my mom came along and told me that we were going home. But I didn't want to yet, because I wanted to get Chris' attention.

So, I told my mom, "Wait! A teacher just called me to prepare our school's donations!" and rushed off to the faculty room, but didn't go in. I then saw Chris on the third floor, so I went up. Then I saw him by the gate, so I went there. But, he wasn't there again. So, I gave up and agreed to go home.

I just wanted to receive even a single 'hi' from him! Is that so hard?!

As we headed for the gate, the guard told us that high schoolers weren't allowed to exit the school premises yet. So, we sat by the side instead. The chairs we sat by the sides were like stairs, but only had two rows. Me and my mom sat on the bottom row.

After a while of sitting down, two guys came to sit by us. One sat between me and my mom, I peeked to see who it was and was a little shocked to see Spenser, one of my childhood friends, sit between us and talk away with my mom. The other guy who sat by us, sat on the second row to my side. I peeked again to who it was, and this time, I was very delighted to see Chris.

I then made an excuse and talked with Spenser to see if Chris would start a conversation with me, "Hey Spense! Why are you here?" I poked Spenser.

"Hey! Hey! Stop it!" we both laughed at each other and he went back to talking with my mom.

After I was left alone, I decided to face Chris to see if he's looking at me. But as I saw him boringly looking in different directions, my spirit was crushed, and I looked down in sadness.

Am I really that annoying?

I then decide to look at the people passing by, while trying to fiddle around with my hands since he has no interest in me. Then, to my shock, Chris bumped his hand on mine to make me notice him, therefore making me super happy! I had to face him while displaying my bright smile, and he was looking at me as well, with a warm smile that melts my heart.

Chris then slipped an arm around my shoulder and I let him do so, as I lay my head on his hip and fiddle with his hand. I couldn't contain my happiness any longer, so I faced him with a shy smile and with a tiny voice, I said, "Bro... Er... Nii-chan? Nii-chan?"

He was shocked to see me like that and took his arm away from me and used it to cover his blushing face. He was so embarrassed, he looked very cute! He then got off of where he was seated and called out to my mom?! My mom?!

"Ugh! Auntie! She's at it again!" he stated, making me very embarrassed of the situation. My mom just looks a little and walks away after along with Spenser, like they were annoyed of us or something.

"Huh?! What did I do?!" I complain, pouting.

"I run out of money when I'm with you!" he pouts.

I was really confused now, so I asked, "Huh?! What?!!"

He tried to act cool, but his expression couldn't lie. He was blushing intensely as he told me, "Cause when you make a cute face like that, you want something, and I buy you that something..."

I was shocked, yet very touched from his statement, "I don't ask for it. You're the one who just gives it to me!"

He then became speechless and sat back down behind me. He was too cute, I wanted to pinch his cheeks. I was really caught off guard when he extended his hand out to me though, but I understood what that meant. So, I gently placed my hand in his and we held hands. I laid back on his hip again and continued to fiddle with his hand. We looked so much like a happy couple that I didn't care who judged us or who were looking.

I felt so safe in his arms that I wanted the dream to last...

But, my mom had to wake me up into the real world, which stole that wonderful dream away from me. NO!!! I want to dream a little more!!! Reality is too cruel!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Going back to school after the new years, classmates were greeting each other a Happy New Year. I saw Kurt flirting with Sam, I don't really know who he really likes because he's such a flirt to all the pretty girls in our class. Excluding me, I don't see myself as pretty...

After flirting with Sam, he then came to me and embraced me from behind, saying, "Hi Jade~! Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year to you too, Kurt." I reply.

"How is your boyfriend?" he suddenly asks me, confusing me in the process.

"Boyfr-? I don't have a boyfriend!" I say back at him, with me still in his arms. I don't know why I'm letting him hug me though?

"Oh? Then I'll be your boyfriend!"

There he goes again with his pick-up lines...

"No way! What about Kristanne?" I still say, trying to push him off.

"Nope! You're the one for me~!" he says joyously.

"Bluff!" I spat and he laughs and leaves me to go somewhere I don't pay any attention to.

Maybe Chris would've done that too? But, I guess I won't be receiving a New Year's kiss on the cheek from you again this year, huh?

Then Victor comes into range and he's acting all shivered up. "You cold Victor?"

"Yes. It's very cold. Very cold indeed... Hug me please?" he asks giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"Ha! You don't fool me!" I say at him and he stops his acting and playfully hits my arm in response. "Hey~!" I retort as I get my revenge, resulting to us having a pinching war.

After classes today, at around 4:58 in the afternoon. My phone vibrated, making me take it out of my pocket and opening the screen. To my astonishment, Chris texted me!

"Happy New Year nee-chan! And a Belated Merry Christmas!"

Awe... He still remembers me...

I haven't texted with him for months now! Yeah, our promise is soon being broken. We don't really communicate with each other that often now. But... I miss that pervert so much now!!!

I reply to him and then we start texting again, asking how each of us are doing and how the past year has been. Our conversation wasn't that long to begin with, but receiving a single text from him for so long made me happy enough...

I want to see him again soon...


Hey guys!!!

Sorry it's a dream again. It's all Jade can do lately... Peace~!

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