Chapter 36: Yummiest One

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At break time today, Faye had to tell me something really urgent. So, I gave her the time to tell me. She then took a deep breath and began,

"Jade... Today's the second time I've had this dream, and I want to hear your side after I tell you my dreams...

First dream was...

When I went inside our classroom, it was only you and Chris inside. Both of you were by the air conditioner, and after talking about something, both of you did a french kiss... And you looked at me and didn't mind me there and went on... I told you to stop, but you didn't listen to me..."

"WHAT?!?! WHY?!?!" I had to react.

"Let me finish..."


"Second dream...

You and Chris were in the classroom alone, talking. I wanted to join in talking with you guys too. But as soon as I came and sat next to the both of you, both of you immediately started to do a french kiss! I kept shouting to the both of you to stop, but the both of you wouldn't listen to me..."

"Whoah Faye! What kind of psychotic dreams were those. I don't love Chris, alright?! And I don't lust for him either. You know that!"

"I know... But I just can't understand those dreams..."

"Ew! Please bear in mind that I'm a more pure girl..."

"I know... I was just saying..."

"I know..." After that, she told me she was going to the ladies room. But I still can't shake off the dream she had about me and Chris. Of course I don't feel anything for that pervert, but why did Faye have those dreams? Don't tell me she loves Chris so much that she wants to kiss him, and that she's jealous of me being so close to him? Awe jeez... Why am I always in a tight situation when it comes to Chris?

When the bell rang for the next period of class, we all went back to our seats. But next period was arts, and we already had a project to make in class. It was a carving project; we had to carve any design on soap. I went to a corner where nobody was at so I could peacefully do the project without any nuisances. But alas, Chris and his minions had to come near me and watch me carve.

Well, at least they weren't pestering me or anything... But I had to speak to soon...

Chris stood up and came to close to my face while staring at me oh so seductively. Obviously, he wanted to kiss me. I slapped him away. Next thing he did was caress my thigh, and I karate chopped his head for it, but not too hard so I would crack his skull. He wanted to do it again, so to make him stop, I pointed my cutter at him, "Stop it Chris! If I mess up, I'll mess up your face!"

Obviously, I wouldn't hurt people to the extent of letting out blood. But I had to threaten him in some way...

He backed away while holding his hands up in defense, "Whoah! Alright! Alright! I'll stop!"

"Good!" I spat.

After Arts was Chemistry... We were just answering some chemical equations, which Sir wouldn't bother checking in the end and just make it an assignment. This time only Chris and Victor were beside me. Chris wouldn't stop caressing my legs, so I would always hit him in the end. It would be awesome if you ended up in the hospital again... I'm no sadist, okay?

I then looked up to see where the teacher was. Guess sir went out of the classroom. Then I felt someone touch my boobs. Yes, my boobs. And obviously, that someone is Chris. I face him to see him smiling oh so happily. I had to slap him hard on the arm for that.

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