Chapter 34: Torn apart

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Our class was forced to clean the school grounds this time. We usually have this kind of thing once a month. Yeah, we have janitors, but it's also to teach us the value in keeping the earth clean and green... We were made into groups of five that would clean in designated areas. I was grouped with my friends Sam, Faye, Mae, and Tess, we would sweep around the waiting area.

We then went to get some brooms to sweep with from the storage area. But then, we found a little kitten! He was sooooo cute! I say 'he' because we found out it was a he-cat... "I'll name you Ken!" I blurted out as it was the first name to cross my mind.

"Huh? Why Ken?" Faye asked as both her and Mae had a confused reaction. Tess was somewhere else. Well, maybe Ken's no good then?

"PFFT!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! What a terrible name!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!" Sam laughed off. Loudly...

Ouch... Can't you be a little more gentle? Are you not considering my feelings over here? Are you implying that you have a better name for him?

I could control my facial expression, but my inner self was just pissed off! You don't treat a best friend like this... Fine! Since you pierced my heart, it's time to pierce yours. Fight fire with fire, I say...

After cleaning, I decided to be all close with Chris. But from how I was being treated, it felt like I became his personal maid for the day. Ugh... Tiring...

"Jade? can you fold my polo for me?"

"Sure... Give it here..."

"Jade? Can you wipe the dirt off my shoulder?"

"Can't you do it yourself?"



"Jade? Can you massage my shoulders?"

"Why should I?"

"You do wanna get back at her, don't you?" he tormentingly asked me. Yes, I ranted it to him to relieve me being pissed off. It worked, but he's treating me like a slave...

"Fine... Whatever..."

"It's okay... For making you suffer, I'll give you twenty cents!"

"You don't have to..."

"It's okay... Just take it... It's also a sign of sorry for making you work this hard..." he smirked.

"Then I deserve twenty bucks!"

"Whoah there! That's too much!"

"Haha! I know, I'm just kidding..."

I was then beginning to give Chris a back rub when Sam approached us. Chris had his head down and maybe traveled to snooze-ville, so he didn't pay attention. Sam then whispered to me, "Jade, Mae's saying that you two look like a sweet married couple who are lovey-dovey, and she says she's jealous."

I thought, 'Pfft!!! You're the one who's jealous! That's what you get for hurting my feelings earlier... Now I'm satisfied...'

"Haha! That's funny Sam! How would Mae even be jealous?"

She just gave me a fake laugh and walked away. Mae then came near and asked, "So? What did she say?" when I told her everything, she blurted out, "WHAT?! Why would I be jealous?! And besides, she's the one who said she was jealous. I also said all of that to help you Jade..."

"Why? Isn't that mean Mae?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. She's been treating me differently in a way that I don't like recently. She isn't being a good friend lately..." she pouted.

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