Chapter 30: Free Hug

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Before coming to school, I received a message from one of my friends saying that today's a 'National Free Hug Day'. Now this is just made up...

Arriving at school, I notice many people giving their friends hugs, of course, the couples weren't left out too. My friends didn't waste a second, because the moment they saw me, they ran screaming my name and greeted, "Free Hug!!!" I hugged all of them too.

Inside the classroom, it was a free hug madness! Almost everybody was hugging! Sam tried to make herself be obviously noticed to Chris so he'd give her a free hug. (A/N: LOL... If this was Japan, it'd be like: "Notice me senpai!!!" XD Sorry... I had to type that... XD)

"Awe... I want Chris to give me a free hug..." Sam whined.

"Ugh!!! Fiiine... Come with me." Faye dragged Sam, and she just went with her. When they were near Chris, Faye continued, "Chris, hug Sam."

"No." Chris said blankly and left the both of them. Ouch... That was painful...

So, me and Sam decided to just chill by the teacher's table. Sir hasn't arrived yet, and Sam was sulking. I can't blame her, she got rejected.

"Today's free hug day, and I haven't received a single hug from a guy yet!!!" whined Sam.

"Chill girl... It'll happen."

Mike happened to pass by, and I love to annoy the little guy so much, I called out, "Hey Mike!"

"What?" he faced me flatly.

"Free hug!" I stretched my arms out to give him a hug, but he pushed me away like I was bacteria and complained, "Eeeeewwwww!!!!" I laughed at him, but Sam was still pouting.

Kevin, one of my friends, passed by and I greeted him while I stretched out my arms, "Kevin! Free hug!"

He paused, but then raised his elbow up and tried to shove his underarm in my face while also saying 'Free hug'. LOL! I pushed him away and we both laughed at the matter. Sam managed to show a little smile, but was still sulking.


I faced the person who was calling me out, "Free Hug!!!" Chris opened his arms out to give me a hug, but I pushed him away, "I don't want to."

He pouted at my rejection, then gave a suggestion, "Okay! Let's do a prom instead. I'll be the girl and you'll be the boy!"

"Uhhh??? Alright?"

"Great!" he then made a girly pose, but in a way where his hips were way too up front. We danced a little, his hands were on my shoulders and mine were on his hips. But when his lower half was getting too close to mine, I had to push him away.

I traced his eyes to what he was looking at behind me. It was Sam, she was staring at us the entire time. So, Chris decided to have a dance with her too. But, Sam also pushed him away and left.

Faye came in and grabbed me to the side to tell me something, "Jade. Jade. Chris hugged me. But when he did, his hands traveled to my upper torso and he almost touched my boobs! He also said that it was soft!" Her tone seemed scared, but her face looked like she liked it? I was confused...

The day went by in a snap. Maybe because nothing really happened, just people still hugging each other. Just one more class this afternoon and I'll be as free as a bird!

I was just at my seat, sitting down and reading a book as usual. Chris came near and begged me to give him a free hug. I still didn't permit him to. But, being the thick-headed playboy he was, he came to my side and hugged me, "C'mmon, please!"

"How many times do I have to say no?"

"Awe c'mmon... Can't a guy give a girl a free hug?"

"Not this girl!" I pointed to myself.

He then placed his leg over both of mine. I was sitting down and both my legs were in between his, and he came closer. I blushed intensely and pushed him away. "SICK-O!"

He pouted at me. Then someone called for him and he went away. This time, I stood up to do some stretches. I saw Isaac hugging Sam from the corner, and Sam just let him. It's still very obvious that she's sulking because Chris still hasn't given her a free hug. Isaac caught me staring, "Hey Jade, can I hug you next?"

Sam's eyes widened and looked even more in pain. I couldn't blame her, if I had her feelings, I would think, "Oh... So it's Jade again? Why not me? What's so special about her?!" I'm not saying that's what she's thinking, but I'm saying that's what I would think if I was in her shoes...

I snapped back into reality when I saw Isaac approaching me. He then gave me a hug up front, and I pushed him with all my might. But before he let me go, he said, "Also with a kiss~!" and planted a kiss on my forehead before walking away.

As intuition, I wiped away his kiss on my forehead. I couldn't find Sam for some reason. Where is she? So, I then began to arrange my stuff in my bag in case the teacher wouldn't come in. Chris came back, "Jade~! Please give me a free hug~!!!"

"No Chris!" I didn't even face him.

"Fine! If you won't give me a free hug, I'll give you a free hug!" and hugged me from behind, also making me unable to use my arms! Then he twirled us around, making me dizzy. Then we stopped and faced Isaac, "See Isaac, I'm hugging her. You jealous?" he taunted.

Isaac placed his arm to cover his eyes and did a fake cry. I found it funny. But I so hated what he did next. He made us face Sam and taunted her, "See Sam? I'm hugging Jade, and I never hugged you! And you're jealous! Haha!" and he stuck his tongue out like a little kid. Ugh!!! Stupid Chris!!!

After that, Isaac joined in and hugged me up front, Laurence also joined in and hugged me by my side! Our classmates were looking at us and laughing. I mean, yeah, it's a funny situation, but it's not funny for me! I'm the one trapped in here!

"Stop it you guys! Let go already!" I begged them, but we just twirled around. We were twirling around for more or less two minutes. Because I couldn't use my arms, I had to use my legs. So, I kicked Chris in the balls! Haha! Feel the pain pervert! Sorry for being cruel...

All of them let go and tried to comfort Chris who was holding his balls in pain. I then faced Sam who was standing soullessly in the corner where Chris had taunted her. She tried to smile, but her voice was clear enough to hear that she was hurt, "I enjoyed watching." she said and left.

"Dang it Chris! Why would you do that in front of Sam?! Why wouldn't you hug her?!" I didn't intend to be harsh.

"I didn't want to hug her, and I still won't. I only wanted to hug you."

"But you hugged other girls today!"

"I wanted you to be the last I would hug."

"Then why didn't you hug Sam then hug me?!"

"She's annoying!" he said harshly which made me shut up.

I bowed my head, gathered my things, said good bye and walked out.

I hated myself today. I felt happy for some reason, and that reason was Chris. When he told me that he wanted to hug only me or I'd be the last he'd hug, my heart skipped a beat. But a part of me was in pain, because Chris hated a friend of mine and called her bad names and pushed her away.

I feel messed up...

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