Chapter 53: Pet

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"Hey Jade? You okay?" Sam asked as she joined me behind the curtains. I was just sitting there, hiding from everyone.

"Yeah, I'm alright..." I say not even looking at her.

"Mommy~! I got something to tell you~!!!" shouts Chris as he pounces on top of me.

"What is it?" I say not even looking at him either, I didn't want to look at either of them. Sam must be angry for Chris pouncing at me, but I chose not to look at the both of them, so there's no hassle.

"Me and baby girl are finally a couple~!" he cheered, which caused me to sit up straight and stare at him.

"Really?" I beamed with a huge grin on my face.

"Yeah! And look here! We were texting last night, when we kept saying 'I love you''s and then she said: 'I love you four. Forever!'"

"Awee~! That's so cute!!!"

"Yep! Haha!" he scratched his head in embarrassment. "What are you looking at?" he asked Sam raising a brow.

Sam raised her brow in reply and told him, "What else am I supposed to look at?"

Chris didn't reply and turned to me, "Will you rub my back Jade?"

"I don't wanna..." I whine like a child.

"Please?" he begs like a child.

"Ugh... Foine..." I give up and we go out from the curtains and he positions himself on my desk and I start to rub his back. Unexpectedly, he starts hitting Sam on the face using my notebook. I grab it from him and Sam bites Chris. What now?

Chris pushed her away and Sam leans in to whisper at me, "He tastes delicious..." she grinned.

I playfully slap her arm, "Ew! You're gross Sam!" and she just giggles at me.

When the bell rang for third period, they all went back to their seats. Third period's lecture went on and was boring me out. As soon as the bell rang for break time, I immediately kept my things and positioned myself on my desk, head down, hiding my face, to sleep.

I was very exhausted and had no energy to do anything today for some reason, I didn't want to talk to anybody, so I slept.

Moments later, I wasn't really asleep yet, when someone hugged me from behind. I got up and pushed the person away. It was Isaac. I then rubbed the sleep from my eyes and told him not to disturb me.

"Why are you crying Jade?" he asks.

I then touch my eyes, I didn't feel any tears. But I am still feeling sleepy. "I'm just sleepy, I ain't crying."

"Sure? You look like you were." he says, but I ignore him instead and go back to sleep. A little later, I then felt a head on my shoulder and someone rubbing my back, I got up and looked who they were. I pushed Thomas off of my shoulder and looked at Chris with confusion.

"Are you alright Jade?"

"I'm completely fine!"

"Jade? Don't be sad." says Laurence as he and Victor come to approach me.

"Why do you guys think I'm sad?"

"You have a sad aura and your eyes are red." explained Chris.

"That's because I'm sleepy, not sad."

"There, there..." Isaac went back to hugging me.

"Let me go!" I try to push him away, but then the others start to comfort me too.

I then burst out laughing, shocking them. "You guys are weird! I'm just very tired today for some reason that I just wanted to rest..." I explained.

They then believed me and they then left for the cafeteria. Before Chris left, he patted my head and asked me one last time if I was okay, "I'm alright... Now go." I gave him a smile.

Chris smiled back at me and before walking out, he said, "Alright... Goodnight Jade."

I giggled, "Goodnight!"

When break time was over, and my classmates started to come back in the classroom, Chris approached me and poked my neck, "Hey! What was that for?"

He then petted my head, "You still okay?" he asked me with a concerned look on his face.

I was somehow caught in that one question, but I shook my head and replied, "Yeah, I'm alright..." He somehow looked relieved when he heard that from me and then sat back on his chair.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the afternoon after we finished lunch, we decided to stay by our waiting area, it's where we usually bond when we don't wanna go in the room yet.

Chris kept telling stories, but still, I felt really exhausted, but I didn't want to skip school. Chris then held my hand, which startled me and I turned to look at him. He smiled and said, "It's nothing..."

He then used my hand as a prop in telling his stories and kept pointing my pointer at either one of Sam, Mae, or Jenny, and even himself. He then attempted to use my finger to pick his nose, but I snatched it away before he could even touch his nose with it, "Ew! Gross! Don't do that Chris!" I say as I give him a slap on the shoulder, waking me up a bit.

Annoyingly, he laughs at me and tries to do it again. As I pout at him, he finally stops, but pats my head again before going back to telling his stories.

Then the warning bell rang and we went up the stairs together. Mae walked closer to me and asked if I was okay. "I am okay, I just feel really fatigued maybe? I'm going to take a little nap as soon as I get home."

"Okay. But don't push yourself."

"I won't. Thanks for worrying, Mae."

"Of course! It's you after all!" I giggle at her answer.

Before the teacher enters the classroom, Chris suddenly pulls me away from my seat and pushes me hard to the wall, not allowing me to escape in the process. "I have a secret to tell you Jade!" he beams at me.

My face starts to heat up and my eyes widen, I try to push Chris away, but I am too weak today, and he was too persistent to let me out, "Chris! Look at the situation!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Don't you think this is quite daring of you to only tell me a secret, and you are pinning me to the wall in front of our classmates?" most had their eyes on us, I was so embarrassed.

"But I wanna tell you a secret!" he says like he hasn't understood the situation.

"Please get off me and tell me the secret normally when we are in our seats!" I beg, my face probably as red as a tomato right now, and my heart beat rising.

"Okay..." he says as he moves back and I slowly walk to my seat, trying to calm myself.

"Please don't make a scene like that ever again! More especially in public!" I scold him.

"Sorry..." he pets my head again, making me calm down a bit.

So this is how dogs feel like when they're being petted on the head, huh?

It feels nice...

"So? What you wanna tell me?"

"It's Amy!"

"You made a scene just for that?! Fudge bars!"

"Excuse me?" he laughed.

"Nothing." I glared.

He laughed nervously, "Hookay then..." he started to talk more about his conversation with Amy last night and made me go on my facebook and showed me her name and made me friend request her, saying that she was too shy to friend request me and wanting to be my friend.

Chris also made me chat first, only posting a 'hi'. But I guess she'll reply later.

"I just know that you and baby girl are going to be great friends!" he said oh-so-happily, which also brought a small smile upon my face.

"I know we'll be..." I replied and he smiled warmly at me.

Somehow, I just can't shake this thought from my gut that things are not going to be the same in the end...

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