Chapter 65: Realize

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I was at school for some odd reason?

I don't remember anything before arriving here though, and school seems crowded for some weird reason?

I was standing by the corridors with most of my classmates, boringly looking at the crowded campus, filled with people I didn't know. There were other faces I recognized, but more unfamiliar ones. They were all pointing and talking about the people entering our campus, that I somehow had an intuition that something interesting was about to happen soon.

Sam was beside me, looking at all the random people, when suddenly, she gasped. I faced her to see her looking very shocked, with her palm on her lips, "Is that Thomas?!" she exclaimed.

Her stare was by the school gate, and because I was bewildered, I sought for Thomas by the gate, and there he was! Carrying luggage? Why?

Wait... If Thomas is here, then that means...

My eyes then quickly searched the crowd for a face that I've been longing to see, and to my luck, I found him! Yes. I found Chris, slightly apart from Thomas, also carrying luggage for some reason. I felt so happy, that my stomach felt weird and my face felt hot. But as our classmates ran to approach the two and welcome them back, I turned around and walked away, not quite ready to face Chris yet.

As people were still talking and walking around school, I weirdly found myself walking in an empty corridor. It was awkwardly silent for some reason, blocking me away from all the chaos. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone walking towards me, it seemed like a guy. So, to answer my question, I lift my head up to peek at the person, and to my astonishment, it was Chris!

What was fate doing to me now?!

For some reason, I felt so shy and I didn't want him to notice me. So, I did the best I could with my ninja abilities and pretended not to notice him and look to the side. But alas, he called out to me without even reaching each other yet. I was spotted immediately.

"Jaideeey~!" he called out so enthusiastically. He looked ever so happy to see me again.

"Hey Chris!" I acted surprised with a touch of happiness in my expression.

Then, unexpectedly, he ran up to me and hugged me tightly for no specific reason! "Wh-Wha?!" was all I could muster up from all the confusion. His hug was tight, but then it loosened a bit into a gentle passion for me not to get hurt. He didn't let me go yet. So, as I wanted it too, I raised up my hands slowly and hugged him in return.

Chris has gotten taller since the last time we've met... I think I'm up to his eyes now?

He then nuzzled his face a little more into my hair and let a little breath out his nose as he then told me in a warm deep voice, "I've missed you, Jade..."

I couldn't believe how happy that made me, I knew I was blushing from all this. I could feel my face heat up from our situation and his words. But I gave him an honest answer in a low voice as well that would suit the moment, "I've missed you too, Chris..."

We were hugging for quite a while when he broke the silence, "Hey, Jade?"


"Jade." It felt like there was an earthquake, "Jade!" and Chris' voice slowly fading away. Until I opened my eyes and saw... my mother?

"Wake up Jade! You said you wanted to watch that movie together." said my mother as she tickled me more.

"But I wanna sleep~..." I groaned.

"Oh~! So you want me to do it, huh~?" my mom intimidated me, making me squirm to the side of my bed and hide myself with a pillow. But, I was too late... My mom grabbed me into a bear hug and rolled with me in bed as she continuously tickled me until I would run off of the bed and jump on her to attack her too.

Yeah, this was our routine when she'd wake me up on weekends... Fun right?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After the Chic Flick we watched on Star Movies, my mom commented, "That was a nice love story."

"Yeah... Really sweet and cheesy..."

I could relate to it... LOL!

"Yeah... Kinda reminds me of you and Chris!"

"Wha-? Mom~?! Why Chris?" I whined.

"Well, you two were really close... It's a shame he transferred schools. But you're still not allowed to have a boyfriend until you graduate college."

"I know. I know. But why mention him?"

"Eh~? I know you miss him~!"

"Oh please... I do not!" I lied.

"He really tried to pursue you though, but I didn't allow him yet."

"Huh? Pursue me how?"

My mom smiled at me before she continued, "Every time we would meet by the gate or by the waiting area as I'd wait for you to come, he'd always ask me, 'Hey auntie? Can I court Jade?'. But I'd always shut him down, saying, 'No, you can't both of you are still too young for that. Studies should be first.'"

"He'd ask for your permission?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yeah... And also, when you'd go upstairs ahead, I'd see him peek over at the waiting area every time and then go upstairs if you weren't there." she laughed.

"Really?!" I laughed as well. But, wow... Chris doing all of those things without me knowing... Did he really love me that way?

"Yeah. Sam's aunt Phoebe also told me this, one time she asked Chris, 'Why don't you try and hook up with my niece, Sam?'. She told me that she laughed a little and respected Chris' decision that he said, 'I'm sorry... But I'm sticking to Jade.'"

I swear... Am I feeling butterflies in my stomach? This is all way too cheesy and sweet. It's making me hard to process all of this. Chris did really love me and not just lust for me, did he?

"Wow... I didn't know Chris went all that for me?"

"Yeah... It was a first for me too!"

"So... What do you think of him mom?" I smile at her, waiting to hear a funny answer. And I did!

"Well... I approve of him... He's a nice guy who treats you nicely, he's got the looks and the body, he's got the brains, like he's not dumb. My only problem with him is that he's a wild pervert that can attack you at any moment if I agree that he'd date you." she teased.

"Pfft! Yeah... That's highly true!" we then laughed, and me and my mom continued to share stories about Chris. I can't believe there were cheesy things that Chris did that I had no knowledge about! And it's a big shock that my mom is okay with him, if he wasn't a perv and all.

How stupid of me not to believe in his confessions...

Now... It's all too late...

Hey guys!!!

A Jade is so slow, but Chris is just the same! XD Even Jade's mom can see! Hahaha... Sorry to those who didn't like how the story is progressing, but you'll just have to be patient~! ;)

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