Chapter 75: Getting Ready

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I am walking around in a park while fiddling with my phone when I decide to put it away and look around the scenery.

Slow paces and normal strides as I bask myself in the fresh air and the green nature of the park. The birds were singing happily everywhere and butterflies were fluttering their wings drifting from flower to flower with other butterflies.

Today just seemed like a very wonderful day to be in.

"Jade~!" someone called out to me from behind.

When I turn around, I was so thrilled to see "Chris!".

I just stood still, still overwhelmed that I've met him again. He then rushes to my side, but suddenly crouches down and lifts me off of my feet, making me look down at him. I was shocked that he would actually do this to me.

The entire episode was embarrassing, but I just felt so giddy. I just placed my hands on his shoulders and my forehead on his. It was such a romantic scene that I was blushing like mad. "I've missed you Jade." Chris tells me with a gentle smile that melts my heart. It made me blush even more.

"I've missed you too Chris." I reply as I feel my cheeks getting hotter.

And just like that, Chris embraced me tightly and he twirled us around for a couple of times, with me still in the air in his arms.

As we stopped twirling around, we stared deep into each other's eyes and he called out my name again. I just giggle at him calling my name so much, until everything blacked out.

What gives?!!

"Jade! Get up already!" My mom shakes me up.

"M~om~!!!" I groan, "I was having such a nice dream~!!!"

"I could tell! You were hugging your pillow so tightly with this cute little grin on your face!" she giggled.

"You could've let me enjoy that dream a little more. It is summer break!" I whine.

Yes, I have finally finished being a second year student. Things just went by so fast, that I didn't want to quite talk about it. I haven't talked to Chris in quite a while too, it seems like ages!

"Well, sorry to ruin your fantasy. But you have to pack your things in advance."

"But we'll only be leaving for two more days!" I pout, still lazy.

"I know, but it's better to pack in advance than tomorrow, which you might forget stuff." she explains.

"Alright..." I say as I rub the sleep from my eyes, "Pull me up~?" I ask as I raise my hands to her for her to grab.

I've been like this every time I wake up with my mom. Since childhood, when my mom would wake me up, she'd pull me up by force so I wouldn't go back to sleep. But, now that I'm older, I've let her pull me up, just because I want her to.

My mom sighed, but then snickered at me, "My baby will always stay a baby..."

"I want to~! There's no fun in being an adult. Remember? I'm forever seventeen!" I beam like a child.

"Yes. Yes. But you have to grow up someday. But, not too soon..."

"See? Mom doesn't want me to either!" I laugh.

"Yeah... But when you start working, I might be holding a crane!" she laughed.

"M~om!!! Don't be like that!" I pout at her, "Remember, I'm still bringing you to Paris!"

"I know. I won't keep quiet if you won't!" she teases and I playfully squeeze her chubby arms in response. We both laugh at ourselves as we then begin to get our bags to fill our clothes and other necessities.

Just two more days, and goodbye Texas and hello California. I'll get to see Chris soon too! Although we are still going there for our yearly check-up, well, it was a yearly check-up in high school, but we stopped when I reached college. College was just too expensive and stressful. But now, since it's toned down a bit, we thought we'd take this time to have a vacation.

That night after packing all my things, I went on facebook. Luckily, Chris was online. I chatted with him first this time.

Jade: Yo! :D

Chris: Hey nee-chan! :)

Jade: Hello! How you've been nii-chan?

Chris: Well, relaxing a bit now that it's summer break.

Jade: Cool! I am too.

Chris: Nice!

Jade: Hey? Is this still your phone number? 0XXX - XXX - XXXX

Chris: Yeah. Why?

Jade: Nothing... Just making sure. :3

Chris: Okay then... :)

Jade: How's being a music student lately?

Chris: Well, much better than studying for medicine. I can tell you that! :D

Jade: LOL! Alright then...

Chris: How about you? Still not shifting?

Jade: Of course I wouldn't! This is my dream! Unlike some quitters... :p

Chris: Hey!

Jade: Hehehe... Well, I gotta go now nii-chan! Talk to you soon!

Chris: That was quick! :(

Jade: Sorry! But I promise to talk to you soon! :3

Chris: Alright... Bye nee-chan!

Jade: Bye nii-chan!

Then I turned my chat off. Chris has another girlfriend I see, but this time, he's been dating this one for more than five months. It makes me worried that this is finally his 'forever' girl.

Well, I wasn't aiming to be your 'forever' girl. I just wanted to see you again since I haven't seen you for more than three years already. I've missed you so much, and my love for you hasn't faded yet. It hurts to know that you still have a girlfriend, and I'm happy that you are happy. But I know I am jealous, but I can't do anything about it.

I am still waiting if you would finally confess to me, or if you'd finally dump me. If you'd say you love me too, then it'd be a happy ending for me, or rather, the both of us. But if you'd dump me, I'll finally open my eyes and give up on you, making me open up to future guys who might confess to me.

I am excited to meet you, but at the same time, I am scared. Will you want to see me? Or will you shove me away?

All these thoughts are making me feel uneasy...

But just you wait Chris...

I am coming for you...


Hey Guys!!!

Whoah! Jade is coming! Be prepared Chris! LOL! XD But, she can't also hide these fears. Chris is a playboy, and Jade is still pretty simple. Will everything really work out? I know we hope so... :3

And yeah... Sorry for another dream... It just showed how excited Jade would be to see Chris... XD

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~ Kurisu-chan

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